Thanks GTTP

Hey all, I want to send a loud thank you to Jeff on making a great 2001 season even better. From opening day 2001, to the beginning speculations of the 2002 ride! I know we've had our share of pretty outstanding rumors to yell and laugh at! This is the season that Jeff and the rest of you gave me advice on my first Ripcord ride, the time that we had our first signs of Halloweekends around the park, without all of of you I'd never of gotten to meet Mr. Skyward, and boy were you right Jeff, he's creepy. So I appreciate everything, and all the kindness of everyone here, and I look foreward to sharing the winter and 2002 memories with all of you guys. Keep on coasting!!! And I might as well add a God Bless America to that! Ha Ha!
Amen :)
2001 MF Count: 10
(Claping) (Applause) (Whistle) (More Clapping) !!!
Force Laps: 424
VertiGo Shots: 32
6/11/01: Gemini 100
10/28/01: Gemini 100 Reunion
Yeah, I've found that GTTP does make a great season better.

Thanks everyone, and especially Jeff.

Stupid People Shouldn't Breath...
Missing something slugger?

Thanks again Jeff.  The season went by fast, but we'll be entertained this winter with construction pics :-)   See you in line for _._._._._._. next year!

magnum or MF now that is a real question.... final anwser magnum

Jeff's avatar
Thank you for being civilized human beings and not total morons (not that I'm directing that at any sites in particular).

Hopefully I'll have the time to really make the site special over the winter. It is really time for an overhaul.

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

New Ride at CP, renovations here at GTTP...what more can we ask for??


Michael McCormack '01: 38
Millennium Force: 49
Raptor: 58
Magnum: 124
Lifetime CP Count: 370

I started checking out the site this season.  I have to say it is the best CP site out there, and that it really adds to the park's fun.  Being able to hear from the employees, and those that are well experienced and knowledgeable with the park has made it educational and much more entertaining when I visit.  As a Cedar Point guest for 20 years, I have learned to really take an interest and appreciation for the parks history, and small pleasures that make it mean that much more than just your average park.

Thanks to Jeff and everyone on the site that adds to the excitement of Cedar Point.  I hope the message boards stay somewhat active over the winter as I will have withdrawlnot hearing new and interesting things about CP.

GTTP makes the Cedar Point experience 10x better.  Thanks Jeff for all your hard work!
Hey, I heard a rumor that Millenium Force is sinking...

I'd like to add my thanks too as a relatively new person on the forum, yet an OLD CP'er going back 30 years. I wish I'd known about this site a couple years ago while I was drooling over the construction of MF. It would have been nice to have people to talk to about it. This year we can watch and talk about the new ride.
I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead
Jeff's avatar
Hey, you're only old if you stop riding!

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Jeff just don't make GTTP another CoasterBuzz clone. I like its differences from CoasterBuzz. Please leave the Meetings and Gatherings as a separate item not as part of a calendar as at GTTP. Overall, you have done an excellent job at running this site and CB. Although, we have some differences of opinions at times, I do appreciate the forums you allow coaster enthusiasts to have here. Try to keep GTTP special as it has been and for thoughtful and exciting incite from enthusiasts all over the country. I like posting here a lot better than at CoasterBuzz. The posters here are more knowledgeable about facts and things. It is a great site, just some tweaks would be nice, please no major overhauls. I like the differences here from other sites. THANKS AGAIN.
Jeff, this site does make visiting the park far more interesting.  I feel as if I know secrets that no one else knows.  Even though I have not met at GTTP'ers I know all about them and look around for them.  I think Mr. Skyward  is the best new addition to the park this year.  It reminds me of "Where's Waldo".  Thanks for your hard work, I visit your site every day!!
Yeah, this site really does make CP a better place.  It showed me that the jerks that complain and yell for no reason other than their own amusement are not the reason we're there- it's for the guests who smile and say hello and who appreciate CP for what it is- The Best Amusement Park on the Planet- Jeff and the rest of the GTTPers are always more than welcome at racepark :)
}|{ Racepark Rocks! }|{
~~ Really- it literally rocks... check the out field!~~

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