Thanks for "Winter Scenes..."

It's been a while since I've been here, and I was very pleased to find these pics. It's a perspective that few will ever see.

Thanks for the great work on a great site.

To being an "us" for once - instead of a "them"

Jeff why can't you just post all the pics. Or do you want us to wait for the anticipation?

2005 Season- 5 visits
maXair- 4 Spins
Dragster- 36 and ONE ROLLBACK

Jeff's avatar

Well if we posted them all at once you'd have no reason to come back!

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Now we have all the Winter Seens will be getting anymore this offseason?

2005 Season- 5 visits
maXair- 4 Spins
Dragster- 36 and ONE ROLLBACK

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