Thank You

For those of you who do not know me, let me introduce myself. My name is Monty Jasper. I have been in charge of the Millennium Force construction. I would like to take a moment to thank all of you for your kind words that have been printed here. I cannot believe the anticipation that MF has produced. Believe me, this ride is UNBELIEVABLE. I have ridden it probably a dozen times and cannot express the feelings it produces. Sorry I haven't updated the MF diary lately. I'll try to update it tomorrow. Once again. thank you all for your support and hope to see you here on May 13.-MJ
Oh, my.... Monty, Thank you for all of the construction updates and pictures they are a major help to get through the winter. Cedar Point is soooo considerate to its fans. Thank you once again!!!!!

14 and counting
See my Po!nt?
"Dont post if there is nothing to post about"
Yeah, don't thank us, thank you and all of your crews for building the greatest coaster on Earth! Your posting in here really means alot to all of the CP fans and GTTP members. Thank You,Thank You, Thank You!

"Sir, Shouldn't You Buckle Up First?"
"Aaahhh BUCKLE THIS! LUDICROUS SPEED, GO!!!!!"-Spaceballs
Very cool. Thank you as well!

"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?" (as stated by my best-friends about CP)
No Monty, thank YOU. We couldn't have made it through the winter without the MF pictures and diary entries. Again Thank you!:)

And as for credibility, we will just have to see if the diary is updated tomorrow. *** This post was edited by CP_genius on 4/25/2000. ***
Now if this is jb who did this I think it's time for jb to leave. jb if you did this, own up to it and don't sit in your room downloading pics of that Tomb Raider lady and checking your dumb little joke. jb if you did this I know you will read this. Your dumb little jokes must end now. jb don't waste mine and everbody else's time. Now jb, Montey, manny, or dudley however you are today own up to this if this is your handywork.

Remember, line jumping is NOT a sporting event!
If this is a joke it ain't funny. If it is Monty
thank you for all the great updates.
Why am I being accused? I am just as excited as everyone else to read this.
jb still has an acount on this site so it can't be him because you can't have two acounts can you?
If it indeed is Monty...THANK YOU MAN!!! I CANT F'ING WAIT!!!

"Got a green light, got a green light...but your going nowhere" Filter-The Best Things
I hope this is Monty, and if it is, Thank you very much for posting!! And to answer NOF's question, yes you can have to accounts from one computer, me and my husband have one computer, and we have to different accounts on cp place! And you can have two different accounts such as aol, on one computer, they do this so members in the house can have their own accounts!1 But lets not think that anyone could be so rude as to pretend someone they are not!
The more you ride it, the more you want it!

~~~Darla~~~ *** This post was edited by tohot2se on 4/25/2000. ***
Bryan, I think you are on to something :)
Yes you can have two accounts,you can have 100 on yahoo email and each one of those yields one here. It does seem coincidental that jb and Monty both have 354 at the end of their email and that they are both from yahoo. I got email from the webmaster at CP and their head of PR, neither was from yahoo so why would Monty use yahoo either? I see this as a hoax,nothing more. We'll see tomorrow.

I have noticed one thing that whoever this is has as well, the diary seems to be updated every 15 days plus or minus a day, hmmm, last update was the 10th, tomorrow is the 26th.
For the last time, I am not Monty Jasper. Leave me alone.
Jeff's avatar
OK... here's some fun.

jb did post these items, and is the ultimate troll. Want proof? Plug this in to your browser:

This will cause IP addresses to appear under each name. What a shocker! The IP's of Monty Jasper and jb are the same! That means the posts came from THE SAME COMPUTER.

Impersonating another person can potentially cause you to be sued for defamation. I will indeed do anything the courts ask as far as server records.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"

Thank you Jeff!! I had a feeling there was a way to prove this, and knew you would show us the light! This is getting really old! But am I correct in saying, you cant banish him, he can just keep comming up with new screen names, or can you block his server from his computer? This is a complete waste of time for everyone and I am sure for you yourself Jeff, having to babysit and all! If hes not crying out for attention that his parents never gave him, then I dont know!
The more you ride it, the more you want it!

If you go to that link Jeff gave us and look at my 3 entries in this thread the first says: Second: Third: , Im on the same computer as I was when I posted the first of my posts (I only have one computer) so why would it haved changed? Could it have really been Monty?!?!

14 and counting
See my Po!nt?
"Dont post if there is nothing to post about"
*** This post was edited by coast on 4/26/2000. ***
Monty isn't in charge of updating the diary. The webmaster drives to Cedar Point and asks for the entry on site. It all depends on the webmaster. Another thing, the Monty Jasper and JB accounts have been deleted. Hmmmm.....I wonder what's with that.
*** This post was edited by coasterwhiz on 4/26/2000. ***
Jeff, it is possible that those IPs are both JBs, however, you must remember that anyone can block ALL websites from taking a computers IP address, or block sites from laying cookies. It's under internet options in IE. (I still think it's JB.)
Jeff's avatar
When you dial-in to your ISP, you are dynamically assigned an IP address. However, every IP can be associated with an ISP. The ISP simply compares their logs to see which customer was using which IP at the time of the problem. AOL in particular can do it minutes.

That said, please check the statement I made on the CP Place home page.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"

Closed topic.

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