Just saw a video uploaded to Coaster Crews FB page that shows testing on the train that is on the track. The video is pretty grainy, but you can clearly see the train launch backwards up the spike almost the whole way up, then it makes it about 90% up the original top hat before rolling back. Impressive!
Link to Twitter (or X or Q or whatever you want to call it) of the testing video!
Well, I will gladly eat my words. I'm astonished that they are doing high speed testing.
-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut
I think I saw that on facebook. But that looks AWESOME. Imagine the night rides on that, or even the low cloud cover rides!
Steel Vengeance rides: 224
I'd rather be sailing
Marina operations attendant 2021-2024
Well. I guessed wrong. I would have thought it would take at least a week of testing before the train made it over the 200' mark. Well done to everyone building and testing the ride.
Currently, I have to agree. I thought they would stick to small yet important tests. This almost full-circuit test is incredibly impressive. They want to make sure opening day goes well!
It's crazy to see how fast it ascends the back spike. And its not even going at full speed. This ride is going to be crazy.
According to many videos on Youtube, Top Thrill 2 is going to be a snoozefest. The launches will feel so slow since the track is so long, and you only speed up a few mph with each pass. Many, many people will be sitting this one out. People are saying.
Sit tight fellas ;) Applebee's fills my belly daily.
They’re not going to sit it out. What coaster enthusiast is going to not ride this. They just wanna complain about something.
First ride; Magnum 1994
"He came to me with tears in his eyes. Big strong enthusiast......some say the biggest and strongest. He says to me, why are the launches SOO slow? And I said to him. You know what, I couldn't agree more. We need faster launches in this country. Frankly, it's a disaster. We use to have the fastest. Why? Who knows. But I promise you, on day one, I'll fix these woke launches and make them fast again. And Intamin will pay for it.......THAT I can promise."
-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut
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