You should see some of the ride names I come up with in my roller coaster tycoon park and people still ride it. ;)

I think there would be way too many jokes about it "screaming like a banshee," and that's why they abandoned it ;)

2008 - Games (Area 3/Scales)
2009 - Games Supervisor
2010 - Season pass holder.

Top Thrill Dragster said:
?????????????????? Someone fill me in please.

You worked in Rides and you don't know what the Red Devil is?

For shame... Eileen would be dissapointed in you.
*** Edited 2/7/2006 5:40:33 AM UTC by Gravity***

2003 - Wicked Twister
2004 - Wicked Twister/Top Thrill Dragster

In his defense he did work MF, so he never had the full concept of Red Devil, but Josh you should still know...

I didn't work at CP in any sense and he name "Red Devil" scares the h@ll out of me.


Mayor, Lighthouse Point

Okay, I'm on the same page now. I remember the Red Devil from the manuals now. I havne't read them in a while, alright? haha

2005/2006: Cedar Point - Millennium Force
2007/2008/2009: Walt Disney World - Magic Kingdom - Tomorrowland Speedway
2008: Hard Rock Park - Maximum RPM! Opening Supervisor
2008/2009: Universal Orlando - Men in Black: Alien Attack Team Leader, Guest Services Coordinator

Good one Brian. I remember my first year Seth (team leader at the time) went over Red Devil really well back in 2003 during training week. It really does apply to Millennium Force.

I have brought it up in the past when employees at crowd waste time filling in all seats after the train is parked and the gates have opened. Marc's fundamental theorem of MF capacity states that:

For every 3 seconds that the ride sits waiting to be dispatched, 1 rider is lost.

If dispatch is going to be delayed, there is no point in filling one or two more seats since it's going to take 10 or 20 seconds at least. A good crowd employee will have every seat filled before the gates open most of the time. They will also know when it's ideal to cut their losses and send a few empty seats. If a few empty seats can be filled without delaying dispatch, they should be.

The idea is to hit interval as much as possible and fill as many seats as possible.

For those that don't know, Red devil is just how many riders a lost by leaving 1 empty seat vs looking for one for 1 minute. The later results in a much larger loss than the first. It's just a general situation and real life may vary.

Yeah.. the "Red Devil" is a theoretical ride, and you are given different situations with it. They're like horrid word problems from 5th grade math.

"If the Red Devil carries 28 guests per cycle, and the cycle time is 60 seconds, with a load/unload time of 27 seconds, what is the hourly capacity? If it takes you 17 seconds to find a rider to fill an empty seat after the 27 second interval has passed, how many riders are you losing?"

Fun stuff like that. ;) Just teaching how and when to give up when asking for a single rider.

2003 - Wicked Twister
2004 - Wicked Twister/Top Thrill Dragster

Yea, I'd always have guests asking me why we were sending Raptor with a few seats empty and I would point at the train parked at transfer and say "because that one is waiting".


2007: Wicked Twister TL
2006: Disaster Transport ATL
2005: Raptor

Kyle2154's avatar

Does anyone know where I can get my hands on a Banshee T-Shirt? Preferably in a large?

I see where a few were sold on Ebay back in 2008, but none currently.

JuggaLotus's avatar

Ebay is your only hope.

They aren't exactly making new ones.

Goodbye MrScott


Jason Hammond's avatar

I watch eBay for Cedar Point memorabilia all the time. I have not seen a Banshee shirt for sale in over 6 months. Over the past few years I have seen maybe 6 shirts. I believe they were all XL. They typically go for around $50.

Last edited by Jason Hammond,

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

Break Trims's avatar

This is as good a thread as any for this.

The path you tread is narrow, and the drop is sheer and very high.

crazy horse's avatar

I got my Banshee shirt a few years ago on ebay.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


My author website:

crazy horse's avatar

Thank you....where is my cookie? :)

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Whmmr imm ygggr coogggkchiee? ::Wipes crumbs from mouth::

Why, um, I haven't seen it. ;)

My author website:

Detroit Basketball's avatar

The coaster formerly known as Siobhan Magnus?

"I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks." - Pete Babic (RIP)

"The joint on the site of the old antique cars is the tits." - Jeff Putz

myxmastrmike's avatar

Ive actually got 2 banshee shirts.

One is the standard Banshee shirt that everybody knows about (white shirt, logo on the front, season pass holder logo on the sleeve)

The second is the same shirt, but CP had a black "circle-with-a-line" screen printed OVER the Banshee logo (like a 'no smoking' sign), same season pass holder logo on the sleeve, and a big Black and red Mantis logo (just like this one minus the yellow circle) printed on the back.

My only theory on it is that any Season Pass packs they hadnt sent out by the time the name change happened, they modded the shirts before they sent them out.

Its the only one like it ive ever seen, both in the park or on ebay (which is where I got it).

Wow, this post just made me realize I really should take pics and post all of the Cedar Point Shirts I have... I still have a couple items (and one employee shirt) that im trying to pin a date-of-issue on

The real Banshee shirt to look for (and very hard to find) is the full time Big Bash shirts from 96.Haven't seen one of those on ebay in well over 10 years.

June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
VertiGo Rides - 82
R.I.P. Fright Zone, and Cyrus along with it.

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