I heard that Project 2003 was started so early because the legislation was going to be introduced, and now that the coaster is under construction, it will have to be grandfathered in if it surpasses the regulations. Yeah, I know that sort of does not make sense that a coaster can exceed a regulation but if it was approved prior to any legislation, it will be allowed.
Brent Haley
Gemini Crew '02
btw, this comes from the library of congress' legislation database.http://thomas.loc.gov It is a complete record of any bill, law introduced into the house or senate. (a great source if you ever need info for a gov't class)
this in no way means that a something isn't being drafted up, it just mean's that nothing has been introduced yet, and even once it is introduced, it will take a while before it is passed.
fixed hyperlink
*** This post was edited by allhailme 10/17/2002 1:53:22 PM ***
A federal bill is being pushed for, but I don't believe it's even been entered into congress yet. There is a team of doctors who are supposedly doing further studies, with results to be available next year.
I do not believe any of the proposed legislation is trying to regulate height. Only G forces.
I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead
The only limitations that may be made would be in lieu of FAA regulations and I don't think Cedar Point is close enough to any major airport to be concerned about that.
mk468zz said:
The only thing close is Rep. Markey's bill regulating G-forces, which is (as it is every session) stuck in subcommittee.
BTS Cedar Point
*** This post was edited by Anonymous 10/17/2002 4:02:54 PM ***
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