Survivor? Rare? Common? Something else?

I'm for a different type game...I suggest a game where you have to SOLVE the clues and then decipher a key word or code...Something like...Question 1, name the youngest roller coaster at CP?..(MF of course and you would take the M or some letter to SOLVE the puzzle) While this is different from current games it can be something to do in the off season....See I knew we should have had a few more beers at The Red Garter and figured this out then!
how about a survivor with hmhmhmmhlike food or

somthing different than the rides or a rare entrees

just keep the games comming db

Rare and commone entries were fun and required you to think at the same time. Just don't want to burn out the games for the winter
Brian Z.
Assistant Webmaster
Kennywood Park Unlimited
Like several other people have said in this post, I'd like to wait until the winter for these games. I haven't entered any of them yet, because I just recently joined GTTP, but they look like a lot of fun!
Yeah, the games are loads of fun.

But still, I know the off-season is long and dreary, but hey, if we're not in the park, we still need something to amuze us!

'Gravity knows no force like Millennium Force.'

OK, based on what I've seen so far, I'll run one more Rare Entries game before the end of the season (sometime around the end of August probably) and then pack the games away until the off-season.

I usually go into hibernation around these boards in the off-season, so this will give me a reason to stick around.


First of all, I really love the games. The fact that someone would take their own time to entertain so many of us CP fans is terrific. Thank you.

I agree with CPDave and the second by putergeek. History of CP is great. It could teach us things we didn't know and show us who is good at history.

Games that don't have a right answer don't appeal very much to me.

History of Cedar Point would be a good idea. I've been interested in the history for a long time...
Kerry - Bright Man of the Elite Eight
how about a game where you have to unscramble the names of different rides, games, restauratns, etc?
Coasters, U2, the Alarm make life worth living, for me anyway!
...but if we have a history game, the people that own "Cedar Point: The Queen of American Watering Places" will have an advantage...but I'm not complaining. ;)

On an unrelated note...Servo, where's that tape I sent you a while ago?

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