We all are in agreement that Cedar Point is getting some new ride for 2002, this even comes from straight from Dick Kinzel! The ultimate question is what???????? I heard a super super rumor that Cedar Point is getting a ride like Superman at SFMM, but higher! We are talking 500' foot tall! Could this be true??? My only personal belief is that Cedar Point is getting 2 new coasters for the year 2002! Maybe a woodie, B&M Hyper, or an S&S Air Thrust! The ultimate would be a 4 seperate track intense ride like Deja-Vu but something more breathtaking and something that will work. A ride that gives 4 different rides, depending on which track you decide to ride on. All 4 spiraling together giving a ride much more breathtaking than Dueling Dragons! Spiraling and twisting around each other, confusing the riders of what to expect!
What ever the new ride is, it will be announced some time in October, maybe Cedar Point will have a special ceremony during Halloweekends??? A ceremony where all the Cedar Point Sickie Junkies like you and me can participate in!
Cedar Point rules in 2001 and remember the future is riding on it!