Sunday, August 07, 2002

ill be at the point here. If anyone wants to meet up or anything, give me a hollar

I'm is just me?

June 28th: LocoBazooka Tour (Sevendust headlining)
July 11th: Korn, Puddle of Mudd, and Deadsy

Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
He must be talking about Sunday Aug 7th of 2012!

Put your glasses on next time you look at the calendar guy!

Who's Gonna Razz Dan til He Posts Again!

I was just checkin to see if anyone actually pays attention in this forum. Loks like i found two people that do. Ohy yeah, and Jeffrey, i am going on sunday august 7 of 2012. Its already planned and everything.
"Why does this one hour drive seem so looong"
LOL, silly me. Hopefully I'll be well on my way into a good career by then, but I'll try to make it. :)

June 28th: LocoBazooka Tour (Sevendust headlining)
July 11th: Korn, Puddle of Mudd, and Deadsy
*** This post was edited by CP_bound 8/8/2002 8:52:13 PM ***

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