
I was wondering with the new kind of lift system is it posible to get stuck going up the hill?
Yes, if the computer thinks there is a block viloation.

daniel j. haverlock
'00 Magnum Count: 010
'00 M. Force Count:003
How long does it take to reset the computer if that would happen?

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Pete's avatar
And also if the power fails, motor burns out, various electrical failures occur, mechanical failures of the sled and/or cable system, etc., etc. As with any machine, getting stuck because of a breakdown is a very real possibility. Never fear though, they have an evacuation vehicle in place that will cruise up the side of the lift hill to take riders down.
I heard that you can never acually get stuck on the hill, besides if there is another train in the same block. But, I heard that if there is a mechanical problem the motor can keep going because it had previosly stored enough energy to get the car up the hill. At least that is what I heard.
That would be what they call a fly-wheel, which stores kinetic energy inside of a canister shaped device, sort of like a perpetual generator. Interesting, I haven't heard about this, though. Can anyone elaborate?

-Dave Kochman
I doubt that there would be a flywheel on the system. But let me ask this: Does a train enter the station before the train ahead clears the top of the lift? If not, then it might be possible to release a brake and lower the train down the hill, using the weight of the loaded train to power it back to the station. The trick is, the station would have to be clear. But if it only takes 22 seconds to get to the top of the lift, then that isn't too terribly long to wait for a train to arrive in the loading area.

Of course it is equally possible that there is a backup generator on the lift motor and/or on the evacuation car...

--Dave Althoff, Jr., guessing again.
*** This post was edited by RideMan on 5/9/2000. ***
Pete's avatar
I think a backup generator is a given. Also, the evacuation car may even be self powered, with a gasoline engine, like the evacuation car on Raptor.

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