I know most of us have our own strategy for getting the most rides at CP. Now I know Jeff sugestes to ride Mantis first thing. But, I've gotten on MF in the morning and then gone to Mantis for 2 and sometimes 3 rides with a short wait. My question to all of you is this: Do you ride Mantis or MF first? Or do you go for something else?
Live for FUN!
*** This post was edited by MagnumFAN on 4/19/2001. ***
I do the Mean Streak first...becuase I hate when there are 2-3 hour long lines for this ride, especially during the final week in August ;)
Before MF it was ALWAYS Raptor 1st. Opening Day it will HAVE to be Raptor 1st. Rest of the season prob MF 2x a.m. then Mantis. Lines for Mantis were never that bad during morning, they get bad more towards later afternoon. I do know in the time you wait for 1 ride on MF at opening you can definitely get 3 Raptor laps in (at least) Remember that they WILL start Raptor BEFORE 10am. As soon as the line starts looking like it's close to the Midway Market, we're told to open.
2000 Raptor Crew
2001 Raptor Crew
This is post 545 for me--that is sick!! ;)
If I cant ride it, rope it, pull a trailer behind it then I dont want it. Cowgirl up!!
For me it's either MF or Magnum first. Mantis is small potatos in my quest, so we always hit that later in the day. My game plan is to ride MF at least once, and Magnum and Raptor at least 3 times each during the day while still riding all the others. Throw in 5-10 laps on Gemini and a couple Dogems and it's almost a challenge.
At the beginning of last season I was on the "head to MF first" bandwagon. In fact my first ever ride on MF was on AAA day after sprinting from the front gate. I ran so fast that I beat out most of the people coming from the marina entrance and ended up only waiting 5 minutes or so to get on.
Now I religiously make my way back to Magnum first. I generally get in 4-5 laps with little-to-no wait before the queue starts to fill up a bit. After molesting Maggie, I usually hit Gemini for a few, followed by Mean Streak. I *then* get a couple tickets for MF and ride Mantis while waiting for my ride times on MF to come up. I highly recommend this morning/early afternoon plan-of-attack.
*** This post was edited by Logan on 4/19/2001. ***
MF is always first for me, followed by either Mantis or Mean Streak (since the wait is never more than a walk-on for MS at that time). After that I swing back and hit Gemini, Magnum, and PT. Come the afternoon (around 3-4), it is time for Raptor and DT.
Chris G,
who worships the Lemon Chill guy
Millennium Force first, followed by Magnum, then Mean Streak.
~Eric L.~
www.theamazementpark.com Coming soon!
Since I normally come in from the magnum entrance, I go straight to the old red/orange (which is it?) girl and give her a spin or two.
After that... it's whatever my whims tell me to do. Usually something big like Raptor or MF.
Joe McNally
MF Count - 14
Got Questions?
I pretty much follow Jeff's strategy of keeping away from the crowds, except avoid I Mantis. I found that the crowds are drawn in the morning by the large blue thing, so I go the other way. My day last year sually Went this way.
Power Tower, followed by several laps on Magnum, Gemini, CCMR, WWL, Mean Streak, Train, Iron Dragon/Wildcat, Sky Ride, Raptor, Blue Streak, DT (maybe), Sky Ride, Corkscrew, Magnum, Power Ride Gemini for an hour or two, MF at Sunset, Mantis, PT, and Raptor to close.
I try to spend minimal time walking to save my legs. Depending on the crowd, I was able to hit all that with a few exceptions.
*** This post was edited by Joe E. on 4/19/2001. ***
i think i have the best plan.
1 mf
2 mf
3 mf
4 mf
5 mf
6 mf
7 mf
8 mf
9 mf
10 mf
then i ride raptor 5 times, magnum 4, mantis 3, than hit everything else i can.
Well hopefully the Mantis will be ready for opening day cuz its ROLLED BACK last week...I thought it was rather funny cuz they had to cut part of the track!
~~~~Coaster Freak~~~~
Too much to count!
They don't have to cut the track, they just take apart the cars. Second it would only take one day or fix Mantis.
*** This post was edited by Andrew on 4/22/2001. ***
Y2KCoasterFreak is up with current events!
http://www.msu.edu/~armbrus9/cp.html mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
*** This post was edited by Jeffrey Spartan on 4/22/2001. ***
Were there complications that caused the track to be cut?
The track was not cut...