Strange Topic

JW Addington's avatar
This seems like a strange question but its interesting to know what everyone thinks. What is your favorite queue to wait in. No one really likes waiting but there has to be the most interesting ones. I havent even thought of one myself yet, but i really dont mind waiting in any of them as long as there is alot of eye candy to look at. Snake River Falls isnt a bad one or anything in Soak City. List some reasons why it is your favorite queue.

visit me in the mill coming aug 11th - 14th
I like to wait in Disaster Transport's air conditioned cool looking queue. Plus a break from the heat without getting soaked.

Raptor '00 Count: 45
I like Mantis, because you can see most of the ride in it. I also like the first area on Raptors because you get a cool breeze as the train goes by.
I like Gemini's cuz its usally short and moves quick. I also like Magnum's cuz you cant see any of the ride till you get on it that and i like how its sorrounded by trees and the mist from the fans feels really good on a hot day.

August 20 will be the day I go "Full Force" for the first time!! :)
Hmmmm, I like Mean Streak's. I hate Mantis' it is load like Whoa!!!

Millennium Force Rides:2
Magnum XL-200 Drop:3
I dislike Snake River Falls queue because if it's really really hot, the line is long, and the sun beats down on you, and to me it's better not to ride than get cooked while waiting. I tried to cool off by walking on the bridge, and there was an op there that wouldn't let me get on the bridge. I was hot and I was quite angry.

Now on to my favorites.

Probably my favorites are Mantis's, Raptor's, Magnum's and of course Millennium Force's.

Mantis's: The trains scream by every couple of minutes. Which reaffirms it's statis as one of the best in the business.

Raptor's: A secluded area where you can watch Blue Streak's trains go down the first hill, and you can watch all the riders on the brake run kick their feet almost subconsciencely.

Magnum's: Also a secluded and SHADED queue where you can watch as the trains disappear from site as they drop over the first hill. And on a hot summer day, those mist fans are a God-sent.

Millennium Force's: Trains flying by and giving quite a breeze which helps you cool off while waiting. And at night there seems to be some kind of electricity that flows through the queue where there is an unseen brotherhood that forms between the future riders(especially earlier in the seasom). It may be the spectacular light display on the lift towers, it may be to DJ's music, it may be the people in the queue knowing that the line they are in is for the best roller coaster ever, or it may be a little of all three. As you can tell, this queue is my favorite overall. *** This post was edited by CP_bound on 7/24/2000. ***

I enjoy Mantis' because of the visuals and being able to hear the ride as well. Magnums que has that eire sense because you can't see any of the ride untill you are on the platform!
"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?" (as stated by my best-friends about CP)
I also feel that way about Millennium Force's queue. I made new friends waiting in that long line. The whole group we were in was awesome. We were terrified and we all saw the look on eachother's faces as we started that long ramp up into the station. When we were in the station waiting for the next train we were all trembling with fear as we were about to see actually WHY we waited so long. And when we got off we all just smiled at eachother and said "It was worth it!"

Raptor '00 Count: 45
Interesting that you should feel that way about MF's queue line, because that describes exactly how I felt about Magnum the year it opened. I waited to let it be the last ride I went on (my family was there for 2 days), and the line was supposed to be an hour long. Well, it kept breaking down and it ended up being more like 2, but I never even noticed because we were having so much fun. There wasn't a DJ then, and since it was the end of June it was cool, but someone brought a huge beach ball and we were tossing it all over the place. No one seemed to mind the wait, and everyone was having a great time -- we even hiked it up onto the platform a couple of times, but the ops threw it back to us. That was a great queue!

Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew
5. Space Spiral. This is the only line you actually want the line to be long. If the line gets long enough they sometimes open up the top! They do this just about every July, 4.

4. Mean Streak. During the day they still occasionally have a DJ but during the night is when the fun really begins!

3. Mantis. I really don't like Mantis' because it is almost impossible to carry on a conversation but it has those awesome TVs that beat the rides with DJs only because the TVs work all day.

2. Disaster Transport. It was great when it had the special effects but the air conditioning and the little special effects that remain bring it up to number two.

*1.* Iron Dragon. This ride always makes me wish I had my fishing rod handy! Besides Carp this is pretty much the only place at the point you can spot Blue Gill, Shiners, Walleye, and Redhorses. Even Gold Fish have been reported by several guests and employees, although I have never actually seen one.

Rumor has it that a fish eating monster along with several fishing boats once inhabited that area until one day a big Dragon chased both away. Now, since Dragon's do not eat fish the fish (having no more natural predators) would grow until they reached unimaginable sizes.

In truth those fish can get pretty big. I would imagine you only see the smallest ones by the shore where it's the shallowest.

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!

*** This post was edited by Magnum is sinking! on 7/24/2000. *** *** This post was edited by Magnum is sinking! on 7/24/2000. ***
Hate: Mantis. It's hard to talk when the trains roll by and yes, can someone change THE MUSIC ALREADY. I think the Raptor queue is boring.

Like: Probably Power Tower. I love watching the expressions on everyone riding. The Blue Streak's queue has potential to be one of the better ones, but no one is in line to enjoy the site and landscaping.

*** This post was edited by net on 7/24/2000. ***
I'll never forget. We were waiting in line for the Space Shot, and there was a girl sitting looking straight out. We were about two rows back from the ride, and I was just sitting here watching this little girl--petrified of what was about to happen. I guess she was with family. She was in the second seat from the right, another small girl in the second from the left, an an older woman (mother?) in the far left seat. When the restraints came down and locked her in, I saw her start to mouth the words "Oh sh*t! Oh sh*t!!!" I was laughing at her SO hard! After about six or seven times of saying this (and everybody in the line watching her, she couldn't have been more than 12), her friend finally reached over and slapped her on the knee, seemingly saying, "Hey! Watch it!"

Then, whoosh! Up they went. The last I saw of her, she was just about to say "Oh.." again.

When she got off the ride, she had a grin from ear to ear, just chatting up a storm to her friend... I think she liked it ;)

I like the Magnum's que line. There's good shade and the music the DJ plays is great and loud. They even have dance contests in the middle area of the ques near the stairs. *** This post was edited by rblv on 7/24/2000. ***
Mine would have to be MF. 1st, I've met some really cool people in that line. Played some euchre with a couple people, met Dan's brother one time, etc. But the biggest reason I love that queue is because what's waiting for me after I get out of it, (as Jeff has on CP Place) "the biggest damn coaster ever built!"

Rides to the top of the World: 8
AHHHH...I miss Euchre so much! Having played it every day in high school in Canton, I went to college in NY, and I live there now, and NO ONE knows how to play Euchre. No one. It sucks!
Millennium Force laps: 2
I thoroughly enjoyed Magnum's queue.Even though the ride broke down we were entertained by the Dj and the few kids who cut in line through the woods only to get thrown out by the Dj himself.The mist fans were refreshing also!

I like any queue that doesn't have a wait!

daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
The one problem with all of the DJ queues is that they only have music at night when lines are not as bad.

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
I LOVED Millennium Force's queue at night. You have the energy of the riders, the cool MF lights, the Summer Spectacular, and before, a DJ. What could get better?

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