
Jeff, do you know where one can purchase FUN Stock? I heard it was only available from a company in Ohio..

mikey :)
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
Any broker can sell, buy, or trade stock..

Also Etrade*

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
Thank You, Mr. Spartan, I was under the "impression" that there was only one place in Ohio where you could buy it.

Thanks ;)
Just to let you know, I belive that you have to buy ATLEAST 50 shares...

Thanks, Andrew! Maybe I will cash in my WWF's not doing to well :)

Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
WWF or XFL?..:)

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
Does anyone in the Northeast Ohio area have any recomendations where I can get a cheap broker?

Magnum Count: 1266
Mr. Spartan, It is WWF stock...I bought it at $17.00 then it skyrocketed to $30...and dropped down. It went up a bit when the WWF take over of WCW a few weeks ago, but nothing since then. It doesn't really have any "power", but i thought it would be cool to have :)

Jeff's avatar
WWFE... glad I didn't buy into that. :)

FUN is traded on the New York Stock Exchange, so you can buy it through any broker on the planet. My units are through E-trade.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Futuristic bow-wow... do the dog catcher!
Thank you, Jeff :)

Hey there I own stock in both WWF and Cedar Fair.... I am slowly stocking up on both of them.... even though WWF Stock is low.... now... it will go back up slowly over time... if you are in the market for long term holding on to it is a good idea...

Let me recommend a website to buy stocks is called you can go on there and have them take money directly out of your checking or savings account and by stocks for a low price.... starting on May 1st you can sign up for an $8 for as many different stocks you would like to purchase.... it currently costs $2 per different stock.....

How it works is simple say I want to invest $150 Dollars a month.... I have them take out $150 and I pick the stocks and the amount of the $150 that I want to go towards it..... say for instance I want 75 dollars of Cedar Fair stock and 50 in WWF and 25 in AOL I just mark that down and then It will invest you can choose to invest on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th Tuesday of the month (You get to choose I choose the 1st Tuesday of the month since I get paid once a month.) You can also if you have money choose to invest weekly (if you have money) It is nice because you are not required to have a specific amount to open the account nor are you required to buy in WHOLE NUMBERS of stocks.... that is why it is called share builder.... (for the last few months I have bought .3155, .4099, .5318, .3599, .3830, .9540 of AOL and therefore I have a total of 2.9541 shares)

I hope my information made sense to people.... I have really found this website to be a very great way to invest on a SMALL INCOME!!!

After you own 50 shares or more of Cedar Fair you can sign up for their program that after you have the stocks in Certificate Form you can have your dividens reinvested. You can make quarterly investments to go with the dividens and Cedar Fair pays the commission charges for you...(Which is great I have purchased over 12 shares through the program

Raptor DJ Marcus D (NOW Human Resource Office Clerk)
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I've got mine through work, Fidelity Investments. How many shares you have to buy depends on your broker. With Fidelity, I don't have to buy even lots, but some firms require it. (an even lot is 100 shares) I'd love to get into FUN and WWF, but it's illegal for me to discuss it.
Keep in mind that if you show much of a profit, you may be subject to state taxes in CA, PA, and others. The limits vary from state to state, but you're talking potentially about pages and pages of paperwork. Your broker may not tell you about that, but a good tax accountant should. This is because by buying units of C. F., you are a limited partner in the partnership, not a stock holder in a corporation.
- Raptor Dave
In CA, all capital gains are treated as normal taxable income for state taxes. California is not a friendly place for people with stock!

-- Harley

CP fan since 68.
Short term capital gains are ALWAYS taxed at your nominal income rate because they are considered ordinary income. Long term CGs are taxed at a lower rate. Long term CGs are on shares held at least 12 months. Tax rates: if held longer than 12 mo., less than 5 years:20%. Longer than 5 years AND aquired after year 2000: 18%.

"Did you make a copy? Because if you made a copy, we could watch the copy."
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
Of Course CA isn't stock friendly..they need all the $$$ they can get to keep the power on for the parks..LOL

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
I was talking about long term capital gains at the state tax level, not the federal level - anyway, hardly relevant to CP...

-- Harley

CP fan since 68.
Very Very funny..Mr. Spartan..that reminds me, did you see Politically Incorrect On Monday? They were in D.C. and it was very funny :)
Oh, I hear ya. My bad. I just enjoy talking the market. Deal with it day by day.

"Did you make a copy? Because if you made a copy, we could watch the copy."
Well, for anyone interested (probably will be boring to most people), Cedar Fair will be making their earnings announcement May 8 at 11am eastern, and you can listen in to the live webcast at either or

from PR Newswire Cleveland

don't know if anyone would be interested or not, but just in case...

"Did you make a copy? Because if you made a copy, we could watch the copy."
*** This post was edited by ucsigep on 4/27/2001. ***

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