
A quick question about MF's loading platform. How do they organize people on the platform? Do lines form for each seat like most coasters, or do they operate like on DT, only letting the exact # of people for each train at a time. I was at the park on AAA day, but didn't ride due to the long wait and no on-ride pics. Traditionally, I always call for shotgun on every coaster, and was wondering what is the best way to get the first seat on this ride. I'll probably go on it in the next week or two, and need some tips from those who have been on it already.

"Magnum + Prozac= Millennium Force
There are lines for each seat, but yesterday, in order to maximize traffic flow, they were only allowing 36 people at a time onto the you got your pick of whatever seats were available.

Really, it was pretty much a throwback to the way the Blue Streak operated prior to 1994, complete with the two station concept. But no big wooden brake levers. :)

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

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