Spiels on the lift

Chuck Wagon's avatar
This season I noticed that on the Magnum lift, the speakers were saying a spiel as you went up the lift. I remember in years past hearing some talking as you went up the lift, but it seemed much louder this year. Then in late August, I noticed that Gemini also had a notible spiel while going up the lift hill. Are these new for this year? Anyone else notice this? I kind of like it since at close while you are walking to your car in the soak city lot, or to sandcastle/lighthouse point you can hear the spiels going on and on from the ground.

*- Chuck Wagon - *
- The best food in the park -
formerly CP_Fan

I noticed them on Sunday as well, but frankly, I can hardly hear what they are saying and even mentioned to my son that I didn't get the point of having them.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

I have noticed them for a while now, they have been there since I began riding.
They do seem quite loud. Back in July when there was a partial power loss, we're outside Breakers main enterance and you could hear Magnum's lift spiel. Also, from the Gemini midway you can hear it's respective lift spiel. Of course, both instances it's not clear enough to understand...

I really don't get the point of it. Sure for legal purposes, but I could barely hear it going up Magnum's lift. The lift has a significant amount of noise, and since the speakers are directional, you'd pass it and not be able to hear what it's spitting out.

Tommy Penner - Variable X
Cedar Point FanBoy since 2001. || Cruiser Boy since 2002.
"Pessimistic people are the happiest people on the planet. They're either right or pleasantly surprised."

Josh M.'s avatar
Welcome to Magnum XL-200, you are ascending to a height of 205 feet, you will reach a speed of 72 mph, for your safety, please remained seated with your hands and arms inside the train at all time, Thank You, and enjoy your ride on Magnum XL-200 (Repeat all day long)....Trust me I heard this constantly at Ripcord all summer! Even when the ride was down for weather, we still knew how high the magnum was taking us....it was the first thing on and the last thing off for the day.

~Josh M.~
Ripcord Crew 2002

Those "lift spiels" are especially noticeable if you get to the park before opening and park in the Soak City lot. Without any rides running/people in the park, there really isn't much sound other than those spiels. I think the Gemini one may be new this year, I don't remember it in previous years.

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Josh M.'s avatar
Gemini is new this year, It started about a 1/4th of the way through the season. It was fun hearing both at the same time especially since they merged at ripcord

~Josh M.~
Ripcord Crew 2002

Gemini had the same lift autospiel as it does currently all throughout the 2001 season. I don't know if it was missing for the first part of this season, but it was definitely there last season.

2001 Magnum Crew

Actually Josh M, the speil is a bit longer than that.

Welcome to Magnum XL-200. You are ascending to a heigh to 205 feet. You will reach a speed of 72mph. For your own safety, remain seated, with your hands and arms inside the train at all times. Hold on to all lose articles, and be prepared for any sudden stops throughout your ride. Thankyou, and enjoy your ride on Magnum XL-200. :)

Michael McCormack CP '02: 42
Magnum XL 200: 401 (526)
Millennium Force: 9
Wicked Twister: 28

Nope, we've had the lift spiel all year. And I know it was there last year. I have no idea about any years before that.

Brent Haley
Gemini Crew '02

ShiveringTim's avatar
The sad thing is that you really can't here the speils when you're actually riding. The patented Arrow lift sound is way louder than the speakers.

Scott W. Short, Rail Junkie

LuvRaptor's avatar
The Raptor auto spiel useless too Scott, that B&M lift sound kills ANY noise any where near you!! :)
I still can't figure out why Raptor's auto spiel says "You will be lifted 137' above sea level"
Sea level?? As opposed to what?

2000/2002 Raptor Crew
It's all about getting around the barrels, or over the fences, right leads, no faults, fastest time and looking pretty when done. What's so hard about that? :)

Gemini's avatar
Wouldn't that be 740' above sea level?

Virtual Midway

*** This post was edited by Gemini 10/3/2002 9:04:02 AM ***

Yeah, same thing with the Gemini speil, "You are ascending do a height of 125', above ground level."

Michael McCormack CP '02: 42
Magnum XL 200: 401 (526)
Millennium Force: 9
Wicked Twister: 28

ShiveringTim's avatar
There's a spiel on Raptor???

Scott W. Short, Rail Junkie

The spiel that cracks me up is the one on White Water Landing (the only one you CAN hear!). It is nearly identicle to Magnum's. "Welcome to White Water Landing. You are ascending to a height of 50 feet!"

Also, BirdofPrey00 - you got the Magnum spiel right on! :)

2001 Magnum Crew

I've heard them for a long time now, and I heard them last year as well. But if I'm not mistaken, Magnum's still says something about being the tallest, fastest, steepest coaster, and that you can see Canada on a clear day. Again, I could be mistaken on what it says, but I know I've heard them for a long time.
Did anybody happen to hear this on Sunday night:

"Welcome to Corkscrew. You will be ascending to a height of 85 feet. Please keep your hands, arms, and legs inside the car at all times and be prepared for any sudden stops throughout your ride. Thank you, and enjoy you ride on Corkscrew."

That was me playing with the oversound button :)
Corkscrew Crew 2002
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Josh M.'s avatar
My bad...the magnum spiel is longer...while i did hear them all summer, Im trying to get them out of my head...I can tell you any ripcord spiel you want though...!

~Josh M.~
Ripcord Crew 2002

I think that the auto spiels on the lifts are pretty pointless. The riders can hear them for all of 5 seconds approaching them and can't after they pass them. They really can be heard from the ground, and it doesn't do any good from down there!

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July 11th: Korn, Puddle of Mudd, and Deadsy

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