Spellchecker now available... USE IT!

Jeff's avatar
Long time members know how I feel about spelling and grammar. I absolutely can't stand to see the way some people butcher the English language.

Since the worst offenders are apparently too lazy to break out a dictionary, I have integrated the services of Spellchecker.net into the forum. That means instead of clicking that little submit button, you should click the spell check button instead. Through the miracle of Internet technology, a window will pop up and catch all of your mistakes. Heck, you can even click the grammar or thesaurus tabs and make use of those.

Some people have asked where their posts go, and I flat out tell them I delete them. Lack of spelling, grammar, capitalization and spaces drives me absolutely crazy. As I've said before, I refuse to let the most incredible communication medium in history be reduced to what a CoasterBuzz member recently called the "CB of the 90's."

Now you don't have an excuse! :)

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 50
*** This post was edited by Jeff on 12/1/2000. ***
Great idea, Jeff. :)

CP Ride Operations '99-'00

Know eye now how two spell!
I try to get capitalization, grammar, and spelling correct in my posts, and I think I do a pretty good job of it. Certainly not saying I'm perfect, but I try. ;)

What I hate even more than bad spelling and whatnot... is when people spell badly and use horrible grammar when arguing.

("why shood i use the spell check nehow its stoopid")

How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge.

daniel j. haverlock
Magnum Count: 1266
MF Count: 117
Works like a charm!

Good job!

Trim brakes-a necessity???
This thread needs brought up again I think :)
(Even I hurry and forget to use this and look for typos)
am I tall enough to ride?
Jeff's avatar
It's simple... the next tab out of the message body box is the spell checker button. When you're done typing your message, hit tab then enter, and you're checkin' with the best, baby!

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 50
This is severely off-topic, but I'm going to post it anyway. ;)

I don't know if you did it, but I hate when programs move their tabs around on me. One prime example is ICQ. With 2000, they've added a "Talk" key, which completely threw off my tab-tab to cancel. I can't tell you how many times I've accidentally tried to "Talk" to someone, and then I have to go through the whole shebang and explanation about, "Well, see, with the old version..."

Just a pet peeve. The rant is over.

(And hey! I just realized that "shebang" isn't misspelled! It's actually a word! God bless spell check.)

How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge.
HELP. I must have lost my cookies or beef jerky or something because it dose not want to work. Here is what happens. I hit the spellchecker button, and the window pops up. Then A box comes from Norway or someplace and says "Joe, you have a script error, would you like to continue" and I say "yes computer." Norway then invades the window and it is all white and I cant see anything. I hit no, and nothing happens. It is not a big deal. I can do spellchecker in another program and the cut and paste. Or I could just take my time and spell right. Actually it works in Netscape, but not in explorer, but Netscape is SO Slow on My computer. Oh well, It is a great addition.

Joe E
("...says 'Joe, you have a script error, would you like to continue?' and I say, 'Yes computer.'" Just use the keyboard. The keyboard? How quaint.)

How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge.
Cool, a spell checker. Works for me !!
Thank you, Lynch, you just picked my movie to watch tonight. :-) It's been far to long since I watched that.

HeHe. No wonder nothing happens. J/K. I wish I could talk to my computer and it would do that.
Joe E
Hal has invaded my CPU and is playing games with me.

Jeff's avatar
I dunno... I tested it in Netscape back to 3, IE back to 4. I also tried Mac Netscape 4.7 and Mac IE 5, all without problems.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 50
jjfang: No problem! I myself haven't watched it in quite some time. I'm by no means a "Trekkie", but I do thoroughly enjoy the films.

How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge.
LoL Lynch. I haven't watched that movie in years. Nice how sometimes we can have a laugh, and bring back memories while getting off the subject of CP in these posts.

Cedar Point '00
Force: 5
Raptor: 8
Magnum: 1
Lifetime Coaster Count: 35
this sinature forces me to use spell check, or i look stopid,lol
i wont use it here and youll see :)
i appreciate this feature jeff, i typo alot on top of a few misspellings

if i used spel check on this post,this signuture will not have any mispellings!!!!

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