Speed Limit 23mph????

Can anyone enlighten me on why the speed limit on Perimeter Road is 23 mph?

Cause 22 is too slow, and 24 is too fast, its simple. (sorry...lol....if ur guna be an a$$ ....why not be a smart a$$)

"Welcome back riders, DID YOU ENJOY YOUR FLIGHT?"
I dunno. But whats funny is that MF is right next to it so we will get to break the speed limit by a whole 69mph. SWEET!

Millennium+Force=Sweetest Roller Coaster on the Planet
This reminds me of a speed limit sign in Oklahoma City I saw once that read "Speed Limit 52". One of my best friends lives in OKC and his dad is a cop. I asked about those speed limit signs and he said it was so you'd pay more attention to it. It makes sense, just think if it said 20 or 25, you wouldn't pay half as much attention to it as you do at 23. "23mph!? What the heck?"...then you'll be talking about it all day and you'll remember it next time.
the speed limit in the parking lot at my college is 12 mph. the campus cops LOVE pulling people over for doing 15 or 16 MPH....

"I think I scrambled my brain!!"
All I know is that on my first drive past MF, the speed limit will be ZERO!!!
If there isn't one already, they really should plant a Speed Limit sign adjacent to the bottom of the first drop. :)

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
I think they put the speed at 23 mph so you will notice the sign and realize what the speed is there. If anyone is like me, I hardly ever pay attention to the speed limit signs on the roads. They put 23 so it will catch your attention.
Jeff's avatar
Actually, there is a 23mph sign on the bay side of the road in the perfect position for putting the ride in the background. I saw someone else take the shot, but I'll be sure to duplicate it! (A good idea is a good idea.)

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
hee hee hee..i love it.

"I think I scrambled my brain!!"

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