Space Spiral's Cabin

Does anybody know why the cabin on the Space Spiral doesn't rotate. I've just noticed it on the forth of July. It just goes up and down. Before it would go up and down, and rotate.

Mantis How Much Can You Stand?
Probably just broken again. Am I the only person who remembers that the cabin was once air conditioned?

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
Well, it is a great photo op for MF then, just sit in the seat angled towards MF.
Do they ever use the upper deck anymore?
Matt, Space Spiral did rotate on my last trip to CP on 6-20-00. Maybe it was broke.

Rideman, I thought that it used to be air conditioned also, but I couldn't remember.
I was told they use the top cabin when there busy!!! The structure for the spiral is the tallest in the park, but since the cabin only goes up 285ft or so, wouldn't that make MF the tallest ride in the park????? Just wondering!!!!!
"Jesus will never let you go!!!"
Bean Bag-Whiplash
yes the cabin was air conditioned...That is why i wont ride it on a hot day.....really stuffy in there
early in the day on the 4th of july,there was a mecanic on top of the caben working on it.probaly tring to fix the rotating problem.
Speaking of the space spiral:

Why don't they ever close the bottom deck and use the upper deck. I haven't been in the upper deck in a long long long time.

Anybody else wish that the cabin would stay at the top longer then just one time around? Not like they have to worry about capacity, I hardly ever see much of a line for that thing, they could afford to lengthen the ride by minute without causing obscene lines.
Gemini's avatar
I've always wondered why they just don't use a recording instead of having an employee read the spiel each trip. Maybe the employee has to be there anyway, for safety reasons, and it gives her something to do?

Cedar Point Virtual Midway
If it is stuffy on the lower level, just imagine how it is on top.

I've only ridden on the upper level once.

Tyler Adams
I suspect that they use the lower level because that is where the telephone and operator controls are located, so the operator has to sit on the bottom level.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
As I recall, they stopped using the AC due to condensation and fluids dripping on the folks below. Pretty funny :) unless you're one of the people getting wet.

Duane Cahill
I asked the operator this and she said that they didn't have enough operators to open the upper level.

with all the spare employees this year, I seriously doubt it is a staffing there ever enough of a line to warrent it?
The upper level is opened often on the fourth of July. It did not open this season however.

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
I don't get this, how much $ could CP be losing by

2)Making ride longer (open top deck to avoid long lines)
Gemini's avatar
"avoid long lines"

What long lines?

Cedar Point Virtual Midway

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