Ok if they make those coasters for 2002 where are they going to put them?? They are running out of room aren't they???? Would they add on to the peninsula? Does anybody know????? I hope they can add on that would be tight and more room!!!!! :)
Uh oh!!!!!
Jeff has his own practically trademarked phrase concerning this.......
(let's just leave this at CP doesn't have a space problem)

Trim brakes-a necessity???
(used to be MFistheBEST)
AOL Screen name-SkiDoo8613 *** This post was edited by Chris on 2/19/2001. ***
Ok thats good!!!! hey chris you weren't on at 6:08 whats up with that??? Anyways I hope they never have to shut down CP just because they have no room!!! that would suck!!!!! Thanks for the adivice Chris!
Well, the LEMON CHILL GUY told me the PARK was actually sinking..and the NOTHING NEW could EVER be added to the park again....

mikey :)

P.S. Relax Cedarpoints#1fan, the park has PLENTY O' PLENTY O Room :)
Obviously this guy is new so everyone chill out before yall get on his case. I think this site has a search and you will find many post talking about Space

Number 1 And Only Cedar Point.
cedar point does not have a space where have i heard this before????
Let's end this here. You can use the search feature on this site to read past discussions about space problems.

Brandon Sorc
Millennium Force count:67

Closed topic.

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