
I was wondering how load will Millennium Force be. I hope it isnt to load because I like the silence of frontier town.
Well, I know that the load of MF is several tons per train, and will carry a load of many passengers!

But what does the load have to deal with sound???

**couldn't resist**

By popular vote, the official start of the
millennium has been moved to
May 13, 2000
There have been many threads discussing the sounds of MF, you should refer back to them.

By popular vote, the official start of the
millennium has been moved to
May 13, 2000
Oh God I couldn't stop laughing!!!!!! I knew what you meant, but Seven-of-9, you really picked up on that one :)

MF and that's my Final Answer ;)
I suspect that the tunnels have been strategically placed on the Midway to contain most of the noise from MF that would take away from the serenity of Frontier Town.
I could be wrong, but Mantis and Raptor SEEM to be the loudest coasters at CP. I'd guess MF might be a little quieter than them.

"the Force of the new Millennium will be felt by those who choose to seek it."
Mantis and Raptor are loud becasue of their wheels. Raptor and Mantis have steel wheels. When Mf have different wheels. Not steel wheels.

Yes but the roar is wonderful... Although Quieter is better for that area of the park. I'm not sure which will be louder MF or the screems of riders!

"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?" (as stated by my best-friends about CP)
I would put money on Mean Streak being the loudest.
It's been somewhat established that B&M's hollow track is conducive to its roaring. IOA filled Hulk's track with sand and it significantly quieted the ride.

Bill... Dueling Dragon's is as well from what I have been told. It was done for estetics(sp?) plus the school and neighborrhoods nearbye.
"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?" (as stated by my best-friends about CP)
Mantis, Raptor, and Mean streaker where made to be load (hehe). The idea is you could hear them from all over the park. (or all over the parking lot in Raptors case). It is sort of a way to attract people to the ride. Kind of like the way Corkscrew attracts people by going over the Midway. Cedar Point has planned every detail into that park right up to the park bench and first aid stations. Trust me it is no accident that some rides are loader (I can't help it) then others (MS maybe in some parts maybe).
Millennium Force will be the next to sink!
Jeff's avatar
I'm more than certain that ride acoustics were not a consideration in any ride at Cedar Point.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
Pete's avatar
Raptor and Mantis have tires made of a plastic material on the steel wheels, just like all the other steel coasters at CP, including MF. The reason the B&M rides are so loud is the box beam structure that holds the track. They can be made quieter by changing the tires to a softer material or by filling the box beam with sand to change the resonance frequency of it. MF will be much quieter because of its track construction. *** This post was edited by Pete on 4/16/2000. ***
Andrew, you mentioned a different matieral. Could it be something like Magnum's nylon?

"the Force of the new Millennium will be felt by those who choose to seek it."
hEY Magnum is sinking! You might get sued if you don't credit some of your last post to one of those shows on TLC last week. You practically quoted them word for word on their explanation on how amusement parks are run. :)
In all honesty, most of that is common sense, and it is very diffrent from that show. (the secret worl of amusement parks. three years old). I must say I did learn a few things from that show though. They also do not say anything about the rides sound. I could, also, have gone on about how the Lines are designed and exactly how they know how long to make them. I didn't steal anything from that show.

Jeff, It may have not been at first, but they had to know that at least the Mantis would be loud. They certainly must have thought it would help and did nothing to stop the noise. Although it probably was not top priority, it must have been noted that it was loud.

Millennium Force will be the next to sink!

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