Why on earth would CP build a hyper woodie??? It would end up costing almost if not 2x as much as MF. PKI paid what, $40 million for Son of Beast. Would the return be any better?? NO. So let's get this straight-won't be as popular, takes up quite a bit of space, and costs double of MF. How could it happen?????? That's just how I feel. Then again it could I just don't know.
CP will not get a hyper woodie. Obviously, they see the problems occuring with SOB, so, they wouldnt even waster their time with it. I predict they will get a ghostrider clone...hopefully, sometime in the future
I agree with. CP should not even consider a hyper-woodie. What they need next is a 120-170ft. wooden twister. Posible an out and back but they already have something similair in Blue Streak.
Live for FUN!
I hope its not a Ghostrider clone, beacuse once they start using clones because the n Cedar Fair will belike a Six Flags park, clone here, clone there. I would like a nice sized woody that wraps in and out of itself, have lots of airtime, lots of head chopper, and never lets up on the speed. Oh yeah, also smooth and not have trims all over it.
I think a good way to describe it is, have it look like Viper at SFGAmer., have the speed of Ghostrider, and the air time of Magnum, with a little more.
Hey, Fire Dragon, when you predict that CP will get a Ghostrider, when do you expect them to get it. OF COURSE it's gonna be in the future, I don't see them getting one in the past, do you?
MFfreak, please make your comments about CP not about what *I* post or my opinions.......
PKI did not pay $40 million for SOB. That cost included the attractions they built in 1999 (face-off, drop zone, and a stunt show). After the problems SOB is having, I doubt CP would ever build one. Mean Streak is big enough. Build something different for more variety.
net, you're probably right, I heard that price on that A&E top 10 show, but still, it probably costed a lot more than MF. And personally if I could choose which to ride before I had ridden MF, I would hands down pick MF. Sorry for the mistake. That show also messed up CP's admission price, they said it was 50 bucks. I'm sure there's more that show messed up too. Sorry. :(
*** This post was edited by MFistheBEST on 7/11/2000. ***
Feel_The_Force, isn't one of the Cedar Fair parks getting a Power Tower, and haven't many of them gotten Magnum clones of different names (Wild Thing, Steel Eel)? So why wouldn't they?
Knott's already has Supreme Scream (Power Tower, just with 3 towers instead of 4) Dorney Park has Steel Force, a Morgan version of Magnum. Valleyfair has Wild Thing, a Morgan version of Magnum *again* and I'm sure there's more but that's just what I've seen in the CP brochure in past years.
*** This post was edited by MFistheBEST on 7/12/2000. ***
Dorney has Steel Force which is ALMOST an exact duplicate of Magnum,they also picked up DOMINATOR which is the duplicate of Power Tower.I was still wondering why they didnt get an INverted yet.Oh well...anyway..I can see CP getting a Twister,maybe a CCI design since they have nothing but sucess with every one they have built.ie..Wildcat at Hershey and Lightning Racer also at Hershey.(if there's anymore,let me know)
No Hyperwoodie at CP.I dont see it happening and I will place a 100 bet on here it will never happen.Too much money to build,run and maitenance.I dont think they want to invest moocho bucks in something that other parks have had problems with.I dont think its their style.
I think they are having their fair share with the problems they are having with MF.They dont want a repeat.
Actually, GCI made both Wildcat and Lightning Racer.
CCI is known for Raven, Legend, Shivering Timbers, Villain, GhostRider, Tonnerre de Zeus, and Megaphobia.
GCI is the hershey twins, Roar, Gwazi, etc.
I just noticed something weird...Valleyfair does have an attraction called "Power Tower." It is just like Supreme Scream. The weird thing is that it's structure is 75 feet taller than Wild Thing and it couldn't be any higher. Some FAA thing prevented this. I would just guess if this tower doesn't break 300 ft. then we won't be seeing a giga coaster at Valleyfair.
There seems to be a pattern when it comes to these Cedar Fair parks. Cedar Point gets to break the record/introduce new stuff/spend the most money and every other park follows with clones. With this in mind, I really don't think that CEDAR POINT will get a clone. It could be similar and CP would just advertise it as a "traditional" coaster. This would give them a break from the coaster war and a piece of their heritage back into the park.
gillian0027, Dorney is getting an inverted coaster for next year. It is supposed to have 4 inversions, but that is all I know. Check coasterbuzz.com, this site's sister. I know that has more info somewhere in the news.
Also, Supreme Scream is all Space Shot, with no Turbo Drop.
Cayl..thanks..I heard a rumor like that but wasnt sure of it.I was wondering why they havent gotten one until now.Thanks for the GCI clarification.I was a little confused.