Sorry to say it, but.....

I know, I know, wheve already had this disscusion before, but after looking at thrillrides readers poll I have to say MF does seem to be taking Magnums place. I'm not saying Magnums gone, and not popular, but numbers don't lie. Favorite steel coaster, Magnum came in 5th at 70. While MF came in 1st at 494. Favorite thrillride Magnum 4th at 46. MF 1st at 349. While your there check out all the other neat stuff CP won.

Feel the Force!
I think the main reason Magnum came in where it did is because all of the CP groupies who would've voted for Magnum (and have in previous years) had MF not been built just went and voted for MF (hey, it's bigger, right?), leaving the true Magnum fans to their own devices. It's interesting to me that Magnum showed up higher on the "Favorite thrillride" list...I feel special, like my vote toggled the count or something hehe (for favorite steel I voted for an unnamed New England coaster that came in 4th in the steel coaster but tied for 5th or 6th, can't remember, in thrillride, and for favorite thrillride I voted for our venerable Maggie)
CP Ride Operations '99-'00
See how I'm not a park whore? lol

maybe if enough attentions off magnum , we will have even shorter lines for it next year?lol, i doubt it for some reason,but i did have my best ride of the year on magnum this year over any other ride,heavy fog and front seat for a first ride one morning!!!

am i tall enough to ride?
icq#14421339 *** This post was edited by WHOEVER on 11/21/2000. ***
Don't take the Thrillride poll too seriously, kids. I don't think that it really illustrates the entire country's coaster opinions accurately. Maybe we should wait for an ACEer's list, I have a feeling that would be a better source.

PS, I am not an ACE member.

Only 2290½ miles from Cedar Po!nt
Magnum usually comes in lower when a new ride is released. I bet it will be higher next year.

Millennium Force - world's first and greatist gigacoaster!
BOY it sure doesn't take a genius to figure out that the poll was dominated by bias CP lovers. None more apparent than in the whitewater and flume catagories. As much as I love CP myself, I have to try and be at least somewhat objective. And that's to say, I can't believe Thunder Canyon made the list at all let alone #2. Compared to the others on the list, TC is one of the poorest examples of whitewater rides I've ever been on. It's the Mean Streak with trims on water. BIG, DUMB, CLUMSY, and SLOW.

Snake River is a little better, but sure as heck not worthy of #3. Once again, comparing to some of the others on the list, especially Tidal Force (at #8, ... get real), it's not even close. And anybody that's been on even just a few of the other ones mentioned, knows this to be true.
I am not going to question MF being in the number 1 spot...but I do question the coasters that seperate it from Magnum...
I don't necessarily know if the poll was "dominated by bias CP lovers," necessarily. However, CP is the biggest, best amusement park in the world, therefore, more people have been to it. Thusly, more votes for its rides.

How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge.
I guess all the people who really love Magnum should have voted....opps!

daniel j. haverlock
Magnum Count: 1266
MF Count: 117
I rallied my friends to vote for Thunder Canyon :oD

It is not big dumb slow etc. I love my water ride!!
CP Ride Operations '99-'00

*** This post was edited by Backstreet Girl on 11/21/2000. ***
Since the poll was most likely dominated by CP lovers, than that easily explains the reason for TC and Snake for being way up there. They are most likely also there because most of the CP lovers out there only go to CP and rarely, if ever go to another park.

Monster Ride Host for 2 Years
3 Years Total @ CP
Vince: What's wrong with Hulk, Goliath, and S:ROS? Have you been on them all?

Only 2290½ miles from Cedar Po!nt
Believe it or not, I really do like TC and SR. I'm wondering though, if rides like SR and say for instance, White Water Landing should be in the same catagory? WWL has got to be one of the better flume rides around and it didn't even get a sniff of the poll. Hersheypark billed Tidal Force when it was built as the worlds tallest SLASH DOWN water ride. I'm thinking that rides like SR and TF should be set apart from your traditional style flumes. That way WWL and others get the credit they deserve.
Woo-Hoo Disaster made #10!!!!

Disaster Crew 1997-99
Raptor 2000
The poll def shouldn't be taken seriously..I mena look where it comes from? Anyways I voted for Magnum both in the Best Steel and Best Ride alltogether

Brian Z.
See The Phantom's Revenge at KW-April 2001
In 5 years everyone will be sick of Millennium Force and Magnum will be back!

Live for FUN!

"In 5 years everyone will be sick of Millennium Force and Magnum will be back!"

Why? Nobody got sick of Magnum in 5 years now, did they?

How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge.

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