Song identification

Vince982's avatar

Jebus I know what song you're talking about I think, but I can't get the tune in my head at this moment.

RidePhoto101, Frontier Town is the only place that I don't mind hearing country music!

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete

RidePhoto101 said:
I bet no one else can name all of the songs that play on the Frontiertown loop?

i worked in frontier town, the ones i remember (i wasnt able to hear the music all that good which kept me from killing myself, because i do not like country)

Achy Breaky Heart, chatahoochi, swingin, moon over miami....the 4 i can remember off hand

05 -Antiques/Wave Swinger, Mean Streak
06 - Mean Streak
08 - ATL Snake River Falls
09 - TL Raptor
10 - TL Raptor/Midway Carrousel

cedarpointlover's avatar

I have a great deal of the original Millennium Force Spiel, in .WAV Format.

"-noise- Welcome to Millennium Force - Sit upright facing fowardand hold on tight, keeping your hands, arms and legs inside the car at all times. Thank you, and enjoy your record-breaking ride on Millennium Force"

I'll host it somewhere if enough people want it.


To those of you who've tried contacting me on AIM, I apologize for not being there. E-mail me instead. That way I'll surely get back to you. Be sure to tell me what midway you want the music from.

1,146 rides on Raptor. Three rides in 2009.

RidePhoto101 said:
I bet no one else can name all of the songs that play on the Frontiertown loop?

Betcha I could! I have two years of hearing that under my belt.

#31, '08
Maverick TL & #34, '07
Skyhawk TL & Magnum XL-200, '06
CP & LE Railroad ATL, '05
CP & LE Railroad Crew, '04
Guest Service's Host, '03

Bet ya I could.. I'm one of the people who put the loop together.. ;)

June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
VertiGo Rides - 82
R.I.P. Fright Zone, and Cyrus along with it.

I'd like to find out what CD's that Viva Las Vegas (from the Dragster queue) and Hit Me with Your Best Shot (from Snoopy's summer vacation) can be found on.


I just found one of the instrumentals they play on the midways. It was on an Internet radio station, of all places.

It's "A Little Bumpin'" by Lee Ritenour.
Someone in another thread pointed out that they play "The Fourth Door" by Mannheim Steamroller.

That's two intrumentals down. :)

1,146 rides on Raptor. Three rides in 2009.

Does anyone know the song (mix) that they play while in line for Pharaoh's Secret?

IvyRose-MissX's avatar

oooooooooh im addicted. Just downloaded the WT song

"Mean Streak crew 2004"

Red Garter Rob is Cedar Point going to sell cd's of their station, midway music next summer or ever? Could you send me a list of the loops so I can download the songs if they won't?

Yeah new year, and finally got my license, well back in august. Im in need of a trip to the park.

"Peace on Earth" by Paul Hardcastle is another one of the more familiar instrumentals you hear.

Does anyone have a list of some of the songs sung in the Monsters Rock show at the Garter this year?

2005 - Dragster Photo
2002-2007 - Season Pass

Does anyone know the name of the instrumental song that features trumpets? It's usually played on the main midway or outside the main gate.

2007: Millennium Force, 2008: Millennium Force ATL, 2009: Top Thrill Dragster |

Even though I'm not at that park anymore, I'd have to say the chances of them selling the music is about zero. They pay the fees to be able to play the music but not the licence rights to sell it.

As for sending you a list of loops and what not, I'm sorry but it's just not possible. I love my current job too much.

June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
VertiGo Rides - 82
R.I.P. Fright Zone, and Cyrus along with it.

TekGuy's avatar

They don't have to sell it; we can buy the songs on CD or from iTunes or other such sources.

What I do not understand is how the list is treated as highly confidential. Perhaps if I knew why, I would better understand and agree with the practice, but my current perspective does not allow me to see why keeping this list confidential is beneficial. I won't say it's a stupid practice, as that implies I know the reasons, but it just makes things more difficult for those of us that want to relive the magic of the park in our minds.


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