some people won't ride

did some of you think that some people won't ride mf? i have talked to numerous people and they say there is no chance in hell they would go on mf. well, i for sure am going. on that height restriction thing, sometimes i think it should be age or weight. yes even though it would be easy to hop on if you are under and it will never work, i remeber when i was 5 or 6. my first coaster was corkscrew and boy did i feel that first hill. those g's, yes on corkscrew, crushed me wee little body. now being 13, i have no troubles on anything.(duh)

"m'kay........." mr. mackey, south park guidance councelor
your 13 wow so am i cool

let me off here!

Don't really think age has anything to do with the rides...If your a certain height thats all that matters. I'm still hoping for the maturity age getting raised for entering queue lines gets raised this or next year. Sick of those gummy surprises on the rails.

"And now for something completely different" MPFC
Age restrictions remineds me of something our beloved government would impose on the industry.

"Magnum is very good value!" -- A RCT Guest on Magnum
I am 13 to.
Vince well said but it could do something... not sure what, but you know.
wow this is cool there are so many 13 year olds

let me off here!!!!

Wow...I feel old in this company...I'm 22.

i hear ya Jman 21 here.

Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We all want to know how was your RIDE!!!!!
21?! Old? Try 40. And I'll ride 'till I drop (literally)!
Well you all are LUCKY!!! I am 18 with a 6 foot 3 frame..with a 12yearold's body!! I guess it will help when im an old man like S.B. Railway (LOL), cause I will still beable to pickup ride op's!! hehe

"Its 242.9 miles to CedarPoint. We've got a full
tank of gas, half-pack of cigarettes, its night,
Who tries to pickup ride ops? lol

Last season when I worked on Mine Ride this boy, looked about 16 or 17 (not too young, within a year or two last year) got off the train and wanted to take a picture with me. That's the time that stands out most in my mind, although I guess lots of 14 year old boys always hit on me. My crew liked to make fun of me about that.

ATL Zone 3 Sweeps 2000
One kewwwl 19 year old (who looks about 14) *** This post was edited by Backstreet Girl on 3/8/00. ***

man, i really feel old now..but i'm 32 and look 22 so i guess i shouldn't complain. the day i don't get carded is the day i get really upset!!
"I think I scrambled my brain!!"
I just turned 30 a week ago (sigh), but most people think I'm in my early-to-mid 20's. I don't get carded consistently, which is a mixed blessing ;)
I get carded if I'm clean-shaven, but if I have stubble, I never get carded. odd. I think I look younger with my "beard" because I still can't grow one that's very thick.

Wow, did this topic take a strange turn.

The size restrictions on coasters are based on a LOT of factors, not just age or height. Read this article (prominently featuring Magnum, by the way) for more info:

P.S. - I'm not 13, and I'm not 40. Add those two together and you'll have the age of this old goat who just CAN'T WAIT to ride MF !

Oh, this first hill on MF isn't so baaaaaaaaaaaaaaadddddddddddddddddd.........
I'm a 15 year old in real life but an 8 year old swear machine at heart. I'm definately going on MF. It will be my first ride at the park this year.
Eric Cartman
"If you don't let me on Millennium Force first, I'll kick you square in the nuts!"
i am 14 now so bla
"m'kay.........," mr. mackey, south park guidance councelor

Closed topic.

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