Some more noticable things


Jeff's avatar
The thing was huge (it's on the official site somewhere) and would account for people leaning out. Keep in mind that Intamin's field engineers would ride the thing without lap bars, so they could lean up and see the wheels. The safety envelope is more than adequate.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 34


Wow I did not know that, Jeff. About Intamin's engineers with out lap bars.


*THAT!* RIGHT THERE IS WHY I'M GOING TO GET INTO THE INDUSTRY! NO LAP BARS! Ha ha ha, yeaaaaah, baby! I don't care, I'll move to Switzerland, Intamin, here I come!


Man, that might just make me confirm my future career as a roller coaster designer.


HaHa Millennium Force but Jack Rabbit style! Could it get any better?

"Any day, is a great day, to ride a rollercoaster!"

Magnum is sinking!

Keep in mind that if you raise your arms and something does happen (it wont) you cannot hold the park liable for injuries as you did not obey the posted rules (as law requires). It certainly gives a good argument when someone gives the famous story about hitting there hands on a beam or on the tunnel. I am sure people have tried to sue the park for such impossible things.

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!


See my post earlier in this thread - believe me, if you held your hands up and suffered an injury as a result CP would be liable. It doesn't matter what the ride ops say in their spiel or what kinds of signs are posted.
Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill.

Magnum is sinking!

Actually it does. (See my post that is right under yours) Remember that the park is run by people who are no different from you and me. If they don't post the signs and if a mistake happens and it makes it to court then it would pretty much be nothing more than a "my word against yours" case. If they have posted signs then it is obvious who was in the right. The judge can't say that the park was liable if the law states it is not.

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!


OK, not to get into a protracted debate about this, but history says you're wrong. People ignore rules, get hurt, sue parks, and win - EVERY YEAR. That's fact, not my opinion. I've noted several outrageous examples on other threads.

Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill.

Magnum is sinking!

You are very right but having posted signs does diminish the odds of that happening. What if they get a judge or jury that really likes roller coasters? ;)

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!


Spewey's right. I'll quote Metallica. It's "Sad But True".

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