Sunday, May 14, 2000 9:46 PM
Why does it seem when ever I turn on something about amusement parks, roller coasters or rides it seem that the only Amusement parks in the US are, Six Flags, Busch Gardens and anything owned by Paramount. I look at these shows and they SHOW Cedar Point rides, because of course they are impressive to look at but not to many times do they talk about Cedar Point. If I am not mistaken Magnum is number 1 (yeah I know Millennium Force is 1 but wait untill the golden ticket thing). Why does it seem the roller coaster shows go on rides like "Desparado" and proclaim that it is the best. I was watching a show on MSNBC. I know this show was recently made because they covered the roller coaster "Project Stealth." Why not Millennium Force? It seems only a few show actual cover the PO!NT like they do every other park. Sad
Millennium Force Ride Count:0
Sunday, May 14, 2000 9:55 PM
yeah kinda like rating T-bolt above magnum on that top 10 coaster show.
Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We all want to know how was your RIDE!!!!!
Sunday, May 14, 2000 10:56 PM
That's a good question. Perhaps it is because those other companies are so big that the show producers figure more people will be able to relate to the names Six Flags, Busch Gardens, Paramount, etc.
G&K Roller Coaster & Amusment Park Gateway
Home of the G&K Award
Monday, May 15, 2000 12:26 AM
Maybe because show producers think it's more fun to go to Las Vegas and California then to northern Ohio.
-- Harley
CP fan since 68.
Magnum 1989-
Monday, May 15, 2000 7:10 AM
I may stand alone in this thinking, but I feel Thunderbolt deserves the #1 rating. Yes Magnum is a very special roller coaster, but I think it was rated #2 because the voters felt that there were so many coasters just like Magnum. Thunderbolt is a great coaster that has never been copied.
Just a thought....
Remember, line jumping is NOT a sporting event!
Monday, May 15, 2000 10:11 AM
I have seen fair treatment for the CP coasters that deserve it (Magnum and Raptor). Besides, even I'll be the first to admint that Cedar Point is not the center of the universe (but it's pretty close).
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 23
Monday, May 15, 2000 1:08 PM
Not to say that Cedar Point is the center of the universe. It seems to me though that the shows more oftenly go to other parks (with the exception of the discovery channel). Sometimes the coasters are seen but not mentioned.
Millennium Force Ride Count:0
Monday, May 15, 2000 3:34 PM
I have always felt that those Discovery Channel shows show A LOT of Cedar Point footage.
Along those lines -- Pick up any Roller Coaster book and Cedar Point is featured prominently
inside -- usually more than any of the "corporate" parks.
Monday, May 15, 2000 3:59 PM
Cedar Point not the center of the Universe..... I rank CP right up there next to the all powerful and mighty GOD, I look at it tgis way.... if Jesus is on the right hand of the Father then CP must be on the left...... LOL
oh don't worry, the first hill isn't all that baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadddddddddd!!!!!
Monday, May 15, 2000 4:50 PM
"Amuesment Parks,Persuit of Fun"had a few things about Cedar Point but not enough.All they had was Magnum,Meanstreak,Raptor and Iron Dragon.Does anybody know when the 2000 list of top 10 coasters is going to be on?
Monday, May 15, 2000 5:41 PM
And about the MSNCS stealth thing remember that this was a old dateline segment when stealth opened a few months ago so MF was not open yet.
Monday, May 15, 2000 10:15 PM
I always thought CP was represented well, more than PKI. In fact, and I don't remember the name of the special on cable, but CP was in about half of the hour-long show.
Plus the first tape of 3-D coaster thrills represents Magnum, Mean Streak and Raptor. No other park had three coasters represented.
Tuesday, May 16, 2000 12:01 PM
CP may be represented well, but it never got its own 2 part Brady Bunch episode.
-- Harley
CP fan since 68.
Tuesday, May 16, 2000 12:26 PM
I was playing around on the Roller Coaster Database site and whenever I brought up a "top 10" list, CP was the highest non-corporate park! I like that fact that CP, for the most part, keeps massive large-scale corporate advertising out of the park!
*** This post was edited by Jmstuckman on 5/16/2000. ***
Tuesday, May 16, 2000 2:09 PM
Thats why I said Coaster SHOWS, television, I also said the exception of Discovery Channel
Millennium Force Ride Count:0
Tuesday, May 16, 2000 3:25 PM
Please don't think that CP is not a corporate park because it is. And don't think that there isn't advertising in the park. For example, Pepsi logos are all over Coasters and Snake River Falls and don't forget the Summer Spectacular is/was sponsored by Meijer. Plus I'm sure FirstEnergy has their hands in something as well.
Scott W. Short
Tuesday, May 16, 2000 3:48 PM
First Energy is this year's sponsor of the Summer Spectacular. Huggies and Meijer sponsor "Splash!" (The Diving Show).
Tuesday, May 16, 2000 4:03 PM
By corporate park, all I meant was it wasn't really a "chain" park that gets the same rides with the same name as all the other parks in it's "chain."
I also meant that since it doesn't have a big movie studio backing it, it might not get as much attention and be as prominent as the other parks (which I think it gets a fair amount of attention, without the Paramount/Disney/Universal name)