My wife and I are thinking about talking our two two year olds for a day at the Point. I know there are lots of rides and what not for the little ones to do, but what I am looking for (thus the topic of this thread) is some advice from parents who have also taking toddlers.
I just took my son to one of the 5 local summer carnivals, and it nearly killed me watching him on the ride. The ride-op, if you could call him that, just sat there staring at the ground the entire time my son was on the "car ride". I can't recall seeing him look up until he shut the darn thing off. Well seeing the pure enjoyment on my boy's face, I knew it was time to take him and his sister to the Point.
So in closing, if anyone could pass on any tips, it'll be greatly appreciated by us.
PS: It'll probably kill me to spend the entire day there and not ride an adult coaster, but I had to promise the wife that the day would be just for the kiddies. :-(
*** This post was edited by jjfang on 7/31/2000. ***
Ok JJ you want some advice.
First, CP ride ops are the BEST. See other threads on this board regarding that. You will not have to worry at all about your son.
CP has a great variety for the little ones. Kiddie Kingdom in the front of the park, Gemini Children's area located near the Gemini and of course Camp Snoopy. Also Snoopy's Playground which has a bunch of swings and a small train for the kids to ride.
Most of the rides in Camp Snoopy do require an adult rider if the little one is too little.
Don't forget the majority of the rides at CP you'll be able to ride "together" Your son would probably love the drop on White Water Landing.
As for "no adult coasters",maybe you'll be able to sneak a ride on Magnum or Gemini.
Have a great trip and ENJOY.
Thanks, Tim. :-) In all the times I've been to the Point over the years, I never really paid much attention to the kid attractions. Guess I spent to much time riding the big rides. hehe
Family rides also include, Cedar Point&Lake Erie Rail Road, Paddlewheel Excursions, Bumper Cars, Sky Ride, Space Spiral, Swan Boats, Giant Wheel, three Antique car rides, and three Carousels. One of the Carousels reaches speeds of fifteen mph and allows for two riders per horse (so you can ride with them in case they are scared). They also have a slew of Kiddy Rides (Mentioned above by Old Timer Tim) and several shows.
Some shows I would recommend are the Imax show, Diving show, Glass Blowing Shop and the Laser Show. Be shore to pick up a Listing of show times at the main entrance of the park. And if you guys get brave they may also make the cut for the parks many spinning rides Including favorites like Scrambler, Calypso, Ocean Motion, Tilt-A-Whirl, and more. The park also has both a kiddy coaster (Jr. Gemini) and a Family coaster (Woodstock's Express). Both of which you can ride.
If you choose to go during the parks Halloweekends then there is even more for the kids. A kiddy maze, a haunted RR, Haunted houses, haunted forests, a magician, a trick or treat car ride, and a pumpkin painting contest all topped the list of last years haunted attractions. That's not to mention the monsters walking the midway and all the props scattered throughout the park.
Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
Don't forget the sun screen, Camp Snoopy has hardly any shade. Kiddie Kingdom is a nice place for small children, it has more shade and donut rides. We have season passes and a three year old and haven't rode an adult coaster yet this year(been to the park 6 times). Just goes to show how priorities change.
Old Timer Tim, Magnum is Sinking and Mike M sure got it right. Dont forget about the parent swap deal, I think you need a pass from the office for that. That lets both parents ride right in succession by entering a ride through the exit.
Although I never saw it, the IMAX movie has bad reviews and even if it was good, it just may be too intense for young kids. Our kids got too dizzy watching one a few years back. If you are staying overnight, the Breakers has 3 very nice swimming pools that stay open late (1 indoors) and an imaculate beach. It is a bit expensive, but worth it especially if you have little ones. Many rooms have refrigerators.
Dont forget to get your Guide to Cedar Point which has good coupons or I understand there are coupons printable on the official CP site.
Oh ya, the carousels are great. I'm to close to 40 but I still love them and so do the kids, especially those rabbits with the big ears!
One more note, last trip there there was a ride op on I think the that Monster Octopus ride who was spending a bit too much time chatting with a young gal in line and not paying total attention to the ride. It only lasted a few minutes until a supervisor arrived through the exit gate and promptly removed him from the controls. Obviously there are employees watching operators from a distance and this helps ensure safety, particularly for the younger ones.
Have fun!
*** This post was edited by acrossthelake on 8/1/2000. ***
Two years old? If they don't love it they will probably fall a sleep within the first ten minutes. If not feel free to walk out. I like it because it is funny, exciting, and air conditioned.
Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!