Recovering from Hangover-ville right now so I'm grounded. Here's an interesting question...
How "out of the closet" are you with your CP fandom? And what the funniest/dumbest thing anyone's ever said to you who knows about it?
My latest: I go to Starbucks Coffee, oh, every night ::winces:: I'm addicted to Frappuccinos, and there's this dude there that I love. Everytime I come in he gets all excited and we gossip about our I came in and showed him my tattoo. He looked really shocked for a second, and then looked at me seriously and said "OMG, you're THAT into it? Is that, you know, some sort of disease?" :-)
*-CP Irvine-* I know who's fault it is!
*The FewER, The Proud, The Po!nter Girls*
Once in my physics class, the teacher said "look at the accelation of demon drop, how long does it take, about 6 seconds to fall?" I said "no, it's about 2 seconds, not 6 seconds!" my teacher said "It was just an example, not an exact figure!" Correcting teachers isn't the best idea...
A bad day at CP is better than a good day at work.
If you would ask any of the people who sit next to me in my Computer Tech class about who I was, they would without a doubt say, "Oh, that's the kid that is OBSESSED with Cedar Point!"
The whole time I just switch back and forth from an assignment I am working on to GTTP/ of the Point/etc. And every time we get to do a topic of our choice for an assignment, it is ALWAYS CP for me. In fact I just finished a chart and explanation on the 10 most-ridden rides in 2000. I have also made CP webpages, images, etc for that and Web Design.
Jo may have top award for her truck's amazing display, but I'm building my own collection slowly. This is what I have so far: -------------
James Draeger "Legend is a wooden Jesus"
*** This post was edited by ACEerCG on 5/24/2001. ***
TOO funny Anne, here is something I JUST did at work on Tuesday night. My department had its huge monthly meeting, at the closing of these said meetings the dept managers (one of which I just adore-the other is a butthole) asks if anyone had any questions. So of course I raised my hand and asked "how true are the rumors of a boardwalk project for CP next season?". People CRACKED up!(except for the idiots in my dept that just moaned) The cool manager said he'd have to check into it for me then asked me "so how many times have you ridden Raptor and Millennium Force this year so far?" Happy as a clam I announced it, (it was only 7 & 6 @ meeting time) but then did say that I was going back tomorrow (yesterday)
Working for a company with a sense of humor is definitely a plus! :)
I consider my truck one of my greatest (and no doubt most pricey) CP "possessions"!!
2000 Raptor Crew
2001 Raptor Crew
Po!nter Girl-FOREVER :)
If I cant ride it, rope it, pull a trailer behind it, then I dont want it!! Cowgirl up!!
Hey Majin Heero, thats the funniest thing ive heard all day, because i do the exact same thing in the exact same class. I just dont turn my work in and say somebody erased my disc. lol
All of my coworkers call me the in house coaster expert, and I don't even know as much as a lot of you all. I change my wallpaper on my computer to a different pic of a roller coaster every day, usually a CP coaster. I'm planning my vacation for next summer already, and everyone thinks I'm crazy! The plan is to hit 7 parks around the midwest in one week, including CP, SFWoA, Kennywood, Dorney, SFA, BGW, and PKD. Does that sound that crazy to you all? Everyone I work with thinks so. Oh well, what can I do?
"Did you make a copy? Because if you made a copy, we could watch the copy."
MF 2K1: 2
*** This post was edited by ucsigep on 5/24/2001. ***