snow question

hear in michigan we are getting 12 inches of question is does cedarpoint have to clear out the snow during the off season to let emergency viacals or maintnance threw?or do the not move any.
Gemini's avatar
The maintenance department does snow removal on the Chaussee, the Causeway, and around all the park offices. But there isn't really much snow here today.

Cedar Point Virtual Midway
We've had about 2 1/2, 3 inches of snow (at one time), so far this year. It is pretty much melted right now.
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when they get a heavy snow do they have to clear any inside the park(like the main midway)?
This is just a guess,but I'd suppose they would do what most places would do,and that's only clear snow where they need to get to.
In other words,it would be variable on where they plow other than the already mentioned areas according to the work they might be doing.
For example,I'd bet if needed,they will be plowing parts of campers village area this winter.

if I used spell check on this post,this signature will not have any misspellings!!!!
Check Please! Spell check, that is ;)
I'm sitting at home with 12 inches of the white stuff on the ground outside.

You build it, I ride it
I have about a foot here too and it's the first time in over 30 years that we have had 3 snow days in a row out of school! yeah buddy!

Michigan State Spartans NCAA National Champions
Lucky, lucky you. Allen Park was close though, Tueasday off, Wednesday half day, Thursday off, Friday had a ski trip so I wasn't paying attention that much in school, so that really does not count as a day.

The misery of UofM Basketball:
114-61 MSU
104-61 Duke
(Actually, I do not know if any of these scores are correct, it's one in the morning and I'm dead). *** This post was edited by iluvcp on 12/17/2000. ***

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