Hey all! Long time lurker, first time poster, making my third trip ever in August and taking a CP rookie to boot! Life is good!
My question centers around a plastic drinking cup I picked up two years ago at the park. My son LOVES the cup, and I am interested in finding a couple more. It is about 4" tall, is white with a blue lid that has a straw hole and vent hole. It has a blue graphic on the sides with three Snoopy drawings and 2 yellow Woodstock drawings. It of course says "Cedar Point" on the side.
For the life of me I cannot remember where I got it, but if anyone knows of where I can get one in the park (or I can arrange to have a couple mailed to me), it would be appreciated.
I know it's a long shot, but you never know :)
If it's the cup I'm thinking of, they might be available at some of the sit-down eateries around the park with kids' meals. I think I remember seeing them at Macaroni's and *maybe* Friday's at Breakers.
Or, if your think the same thing as I am, you can get these cups at almost any place that sells drinks in the park. Along with the new maXair souv. cups, you can get these too.
Do they? I don't usually buy kids' sizes seeing as how I'm neither a kid nor have one. I'm pretty sure I know the cup, though. They shouldn't be hard to come by at the park.
cedarpointlover, I think you are thinking of the Snoopy SHAPED cup. I think he is talking of one that just has Snoopy printed on it. I'm not sure where to get those though, but the Snoopy shaped one can be picked up almost anywhere.
Goodbye MrScott
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