Snoopy Rocks on ice cast question

Anyone know what skaters are in the cast? Are they famous ones or just B list ones? I went to the show this summer and was curious as to who was in the cast? Thanks for your help!

I'm pretty sure any famous skaters would find better things to do than skate in a summer show at CP. No knocks to the cast as they were very talented and I could never do that, but I'm sure all of the famous ones skate at disney on ice. ;)

Also, is this type of show the first of it's kind or have other parks done similar ones.?

No, it's not the first. I believe it was "patterened" after Knott's in California. Like much of Halloweekends was.


Mayor, Lighthouse Point

Please, please, PLEASE change the show for 2005. Watching the same thing year after year gets old (and I'm sure the skaters must share the sentiment.)

(...and while you're at it, please stop pushing the 3D glasses. I felt genuinely sorry for people spending money on them, knowing that the 38 sec of black-lit effects were going to be a huge disappointment...)

Hey, I heard a rumor that Top Thrill Dragster is sinking...

They are changing the show for 2005!

MF Circuits=3,011(272)


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