Skee Ball Tourney

OK guys and girls I need some suggestions here, I was just talking to Matt (Skykicker) and he brought up the idea of a skee ball tournament. Lets have your suggestions the only thing is that it has to be either at Gemini Games or the Skee Ball tables in Frontier Town because I can't play the ones in the main aracde because last week I played for three hours and took home the choice prize.

daniel j. haverlock
'01 magnum: 295
'01 force: 16
Funny Dan I had the same idea. My idea was that we start out in the biggest arcade and have different "rounds". Then after a couple of rounds we would move on to a different arcade. For example lets say 20 people start out the top 15 will move on to the next round. Also I was thinking everyone could put their tickets in a "pot" and the winner would get all the tickets.

Andrew Hyde
AIM: MagnumAndy
Actually if we play for tickets the price is 50% cheaper and I think I can play the row that gives out the tickets. I think we should play the tables in Frontier Town, I think OTT will agree with me on this one.

daniel j. haverlock
'01 magnum: 295
'01 force: 16
There's one problem with this idea, the park might view it as gambling. That could be a big problem!!!
Gambling is a game of chance.....Skee Ball is a game of skill - so its not even possible to make that connotation.....

But, if you are throwing money in a pot and divying it out afterwards in front of them, I could see their point in not allowing it anyways....But, I dont think that was the intention of the tourney anyways....
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
I'm not going against Dan!!...MONKEY boy!

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
So Dan, what does it take to win the big kahuna?

I can generally pop 360 per game without a problem (I'm the king of hitting the 40-point hole), but all I ever win with that is 18" stuffed animals.

Duane Cahill
Coming soon to a park near Sandusky!
Gemini's avatar
I'd be up for some Skee Ball - sounds like a good idea.

Jeff's avatar
I'll stay out of it because I don't want to embarrass my dear site members.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Futuristic bow-wow... do the dog catcher!
Them's fightin' words where I come from.

June 17 - the first annual GTTP Jeff Putz Memorial Skee-ball tournament?

Duane Cahill
Coming soon to a park near Sandusky!
Please, Jeff play along and see who is the real master of the game. Frontierman I see your point as long as no cash is involved it shouldn't be a problem. After all it would be voluntary.
I am the king of skeeball! just ask the game hosts at BGW!

Kansan by birth; Cedar Point by desire; Zone 5/6 by the grace of God *** This post was edited by cheeseonastick on 6/8/2001. ***
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
Sounds like a challenge there..thems fighting words!

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
I'll play since I'll be there the 17th...
17th sounds good to me if its in the afternoon. I have to beat up on people in another game of skill in the morning. Around 1, 2 or 3 when the lines for the rides max out?

2001 Force Count-47

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