Size Problems

Im goin to C.P this Saturday and I'm kinda getting nervous about being able to ride MF and Dragster this year. I was perfectly fine last year but now I am 6'3 and weigh 170 lbs. I read on one forum that a man's g/f was told to leave the ride (Dragster) and she only weighs 150 lbs. I have a 32' waist and was just wondering if I will be able to pass this new belt test or whatever they do. I think I'm skinny enough it just depends on whether my legs are too long or not. If anyone else out there is really tall or thinks they may have come close to being able to ride...please respond. Thanks
cp&le rr guy's avatar
I'm 6'2", 195 lbs. and I can ride fine, so you should have no problem.

*** Edited 5/16/2004 11:13:28 PM UTC by cp&le rr guy***

From everyone on the CP&LE, RIP Mayor Scott...~

Thanks for the reply that makes me feel a lot better.

My friend is 6'4" and is over 200 lbs and rides with no problems. :)
I'm 6'2", 235 lbs (36" waist) and have been to the park 3 times (TTD & MF total of 11 rides) without incident. It seems to be more important how you're "proportioned" than what your weight/waist size is.

...or maybe I've just been lucky so far!

Hey, I heard a rumor that Top Thrill Dragster is sinking...

Well, they are a little funny. In my opinion, it shouldn't say what your waist or hip numbers are so much as what your THIGHS are. The belt for TTD and MF both goes across my upper thighs, not my hips.


I am 6'2" and when I went opening day I weighed 260 and I barely fit on TTD, but was able to snap my belt myself and the ride op on MF was nice enough to pull the belt while I snapped it. It all depends on how your body is shaped.

I'm down to 250 as of today, and should be able to hit 235-240 by the 29th when I make my next trip.

thompson_osu I am 6'3" and 170 lbs in my very best dreams! Have no worries, you will be able to ride. I'm like 5'11 and 180 lbs and ride without problems, everytime.

Millennium Force Laps-168
**Vertigo Launches-21**
Dragster Launches-52

Thanks for the response macho nachos. And you definitely dont want to be 6'3 and 170. If you are as tall as I am, you should weigh at least 180..haha. My friends make fun of me for being a stick compared with how tall I am. I like to hear your sure Ill be able to ride. I just wasnt sure because the C.P site says you may not be able to ride some rides if you exceed 6'2. But last year i was like 6'11/2 and I rode without a problem. Either way thanks for the response.
thompson my buddy is 6'4" and he got yanked out of line while waiting to ride Wicked Twister to be measured in case he was too tall to ride(he was able to ride). To the best of my knowledge that is the only coaster at the park that restricts taller guests. The only problem you might have on other rides will be leg room, depending on how you are proportioned. You will be able to ride, you just might not be as comfortable as most. When I go to CP with my tall friend we always pick the seats on coasters that have enough leg room. On most coasters the "front" of every car has more leg room.

Millennium Force Laps-168
**Vertigo Launches-21**
Dragster Launches-52

I also do the same thing. I go for the front quite a bit. For me though I either ride the very front or the very back. I never sit in the middle of a train.....even if it is second to front or second to back. And when I think about it the only ride that really does pose a problem for leg room is the those seats are tight. Other than that everything is fine with me.
Size problems aren't the big of a deal on TTD. I went on May 10 and got on. Granted there was a small struggle but nothing to difficult to overcome. I'm 6'5" and weigh about 330lbs.
chris paruch were you able to ride millenium force?

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