Six flags (Geauga Lake)

With the new six flags park opening and only being an hour away, and also with them building, i believe, 3 new rollercoasters for this season alone and several more planned for the next few seasons. Does anyone think it will hurt CP? and does anyone plan on checking out the new six flags park this season?
Jeff's avatar
All I have to say is look at last Sunday's Cleveland Plain Dealer magazine and tell me which park had several spreads of info on them. It was SFO's opening weekend, but it wasn't SFO in those pages.

I went to both places last weekend. I barely remember the SFO trip!

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Park visits May 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, etc...
At some point, I'll probably hit SFO on my way home, but it won't be this year. I'm sure I'll do it once in a couple of years once Six Flags has put their stamp completely on it (with all that implies).
Duane Cahill
Coming soon to an amusement park near you.
SFO sucks!!!! I'm not impressed any of their new coasters. IF you were to rate amusement parks Cedar POint would be # 1 and SFO #200 or something. It's a dumpy park quite frankly.
Jeff's avatar
I think the new rides are awesome, the park overall lacks atmosphere and is so poorly operated.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Park visits May 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, etc...
I'm looking forward to going to SFO once or twice this season. The early reports on Superman: Ultimate Escape are unanimously favorable. I know one person I've talked to who puts S:UE way above MF as the best ride of last weekend. I've never ridden a floorless, so Batman is looking really exciting, and it's always nice to get another woodie. :o)

Atmosphere is a different story, but I can't judge that until I go. :o)

ATL Zone 3 Sweeps 2000

Six Flags is filled with so much riff raff from the eastern end of cleveland you don't feel secure there. I worry locking up my stuff in a locker there since I have seen many broken into over the years. Plus, getting there is a mess now,half of the roads are under construction and 1 lane right now.

Plus, their coasters are always too small and barely move,yes Batman goes 60 down the first hill, but after that, it seems like it has trim brakes all over it.
i dont like you jake drews. rob, bkf does NOT let up.
"Everyday, its a gettin closer goin faster than a roller coaster", some oldies song
punks right, it doesnt...
Batman has a slow start but really gets going at the end. Superman is okay but isn't the best. Mean while, THE VILLAIN is something else. Villain is the best ride in the park and my new favorite woody. HEY JEFF, REMEMBER ME!? I WAS THE KID YOU WOULDN'T TALK TO ON THE VILLAIN!!!!!! YOU WERE HOWLING LIKE A WOLF!!!
Uh oh I smell a fight

Millennium Force Ride Count:0
All three new major coasters at SFO are excellent rides.

The crowd on Saturday did seem to have a rougher edge to it than I've seen at Cedar Point, Kennywood, or even Great Adventure, though. I was SO tempted to go up to some of them and say "I remember when I was your age, you think you look SO cool don't you?" :) but I resisted...

One guy I saw had safety pins in his ears. That's no big deal, but they were BLOODY. Looked horrible. Even worse, his friend commented on it, and he replied "I know, these coasters are bashing them like crazy..." Um, HELLO, take the things out if they're causing problems! Idiot...

gregleg, you couldn't have said it better. i am 14 and it really pisses me off when i see some *punk* kids smoking in line, spitting all over the place, carving their names in the wall, putting gum on walls etc, etc. it gives a bad rep for kids my age and i enjoy coasters very very very much and i would never do anything like that. btw i went w/ the name punk because of the music i listen to, not because i am a steriotypical(sp?) 'punk kid off the streets'. believe me, i am not one of those!!!!! and believe me again, i have said things to kids my age that do stupid things all the time. at school, at stores, at amusement parks. say something like...."aw man, it looks like we got some tough guys up here". that will ALWAYS be replied with a nasty look and them stopping whatever idiotic thing they are doing.
"Everyday, its a gettin closer goin faster than a roller coaster", some oldies song
UHHHHHHHHH! I thought they were getting four coasters and what i've heard one isn't even done. I think it was Road runner express. Is the water park even done yet? And S:UE doesn't look thrilling at all part of the train doesn't even go through the twist all the way.As for SFO its a nice SMALL park that use to be all right but I think it will be ruined by Six Flags. So I'm not worried, Cp has a better atmosphere and better rides!
"Jesus will never let you go!!!"
Bean Bag
Hey guys, a special little site named Coaster Buzz could use the traffic. You know what I'm intimating here, don't you...? ;)

-Dave Kochman

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