Six Flags Commercial

I just saw an ad on TV for SFWOA that I had not seen before. In it they claim to be the only park to ever surpass "the point." I have been paying attention to this sort of stuff for quite a few years and since I live in a crossover market I have seen a lot of commercials for CP, PKI and Geauga, and I don't ever remember one park so directly claiming to be superior to another. CP and PKI have always had a sort of friendly competition but I guess Six Flags doesn't like that idea.
Six Flags can say what they want to say, anyone with an ounce of intelligence knows that Six Flags is trashy, terrible ride ops, poor queue times, filthy, and the midways are 1/2 the size of the midways at Cedar Point!  SFwoa = "Six Flags Waste Of an Afternoon".  As for the commercial thing, I heard that as well and said oh ya!  Let Six Flags say what they want, they aren't even close to the Point and they just don't get it when it comes to operating an amusement park!
Am I alone as the only person who feels like a chimpanzee in a three ring circus when at SFWoA??

CP has 4 golden ticket awards. Six Flags Waste of an Afternoon ( Love that name Just Coasting) has how many?? None! Saying that you have a larger park with more for famlies to do is like winning a People's Choice Award. It doesn't mean diddly squat if you don't have the Oscar's to back it up like CP does with all of their golden tickets. .

I knew this would very quicky sink to a low level of park bashing and overreacting. We all know what a great place Cedar Point is, is it really nessessary to show a complete lack of class by pointing out the obvious about SFWOA?  I haven't seen the commercial, but I can't blame Six Flags for adopting an agressive marketing campayne against the world's most successful park. Pepsi and Coca Cola have been doing it for years. I really thought CP fans were above this kind of crap, but I guess not.

BTW, never been to a park I would call a waste of an afternoon! ;)

I've seen this too.  At first I didn't catch it, but the second time I saw it I heard it very clearly.  SFWoA has been making me very upset with their advertising lately.  They have a radio ad with a teen directly comparing the two parks, and making very false points.  I don't know about the rest of you, but I usually don't like it when one company directly insults another, amusement park related or not.  It's just not cool, and makes the company look bad.
Ride of Steel's avatar
I agree with eggs.  I heard the radio commercial on my way back home from Sandusky tonight (home for a day, woohoo!) and I think it shows a complete and utter lack of class in the way that Six Flags presented itself.  Of course, what else can we expect from a Six Flags park I guess...
 I'm pretty sure our marketing folks at CP know better than to make an ad campaign mentioning another park's name.  Thank God.
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*** This post was edited by Ride of Steel on 8/4/2001. ***

This type of ad campaign usually means they are "grasping at straws".

Case in "point": Ever seen the ads for the Kia automobile with the two neighbors comparing features? They try to say that this Kia is better than the Toyota Camry, because you get all the same features for $5000 less. Trouble is, will the Kia still be running 10 years later?

Usually when an advertising company specifially mentions its competition, that advertising company is getting its butts kicked by the mentioned competitor. I wouldn't worry too much about it, people are very much aware of what CP offers, and substance and quality of the experience will carry the day as far as the GP are concerned. Likewise, if the experience is poor, they will tell a host of other people, and will visit the park that they are happy with.

First we Rock - then we Roll!

What really bugs me about the new SFWoA commericial is that it is alot like one that CP would put out. Six Flags is usually into that annoying, in your face type of advertising that also has attitude. This new one is alot like the "Hold On" ads CP has been running all season. I have a feeling that SFWoA is responding to CP's top coaster ad were CP says "kinda, leaves other parks in the dust".
SFWOA isn't a waste of an afternoon, IMHO.  They have several EXCELLENT coasters (B:KF, Villain, and Bid Dipper are the ones that kicked my butt) and other attractions, and you can have a good time.  With the Sea World addition it has enough to fill your day.

Now if they could just get their schtick together in regards to employees (ah! oh my god! There were two male ride ops talking to eachother about buying breast implants for themselves on Big Dipper.. and there were kids in line and... ARGH) and get a few more decent restaurants... they'll have a really good park on their hands.

I'd still rather go to CP, though :)


I totally disagree with most of you! The number one rule of marketing/advertising is to always "go after number one!" So, if SFWOA really is slamming CP in it commercials, then they are using text-book advertising styles. I agree with Rock and Roll Dave on his last comments. As for myself, I have not yet heard the commercials that "slam" the Point, but I do like the CP commercials that lay claim to "leaving other parks in the dust." I know we have talked about it in the past, but I think the SFWOA marketing guys are kicking CP's a@@ in a major way. I'm not sure how it is in other markets, but here in Detroit, SFWOA is everywhere. They out number the CP commercials easily five-to-one, there are coupons for 1/2 off one days admission everywhere! I see them at Bally's, McDonald's, Comerica, The Palace..I can't go anywhere around here, with out seeing something that as SFWOA, and it drives me nuts! I'm sure the economy has something to do with the drop in attendance thus far at the Point..but I think the real reason is SFWOA, and their outstanding promotions...

mikey :)

hehe....its all comedy to me. We used to get ads for Six Flags Magic Mountain here in Vegas. NOT ANYMORE! Its amazing since tons of people from Nevada go to Southern California parks as well as Cedar Point and other parks on the other side of the country.
You should see the ads for Six Flags Astroworld.  You would be suprised to know that the Texas Giant is in Astroworld as well as bumper cars and other coasters I don't recognize. 
olympic10086-- You don't see CP doing all of that type advertising because they don't need to. CP has the best reputation, and word of mouth is the best form of advertising. SFWoA advertises like they do because of a lackluster reputation.
Vince, SFWOA advertises the way they do becuase they are being aggressive about overtaking CP. CP doesn't have to respond in kind...yet. You guys have to realize this is serious business, advertising is no place for wimps, or worrying  about getting your "feelings hurt". SFWOA is doing exactly what they are suppose to be doing, a full fledge attack on "the best". Don't worry, CP can take it.
*** This post was edited by Rimshot on 8/5/2001. ***

*** This post was edited by Rimshot on 8/5/2001. ***

I absolutely have to hear these ads. Going to SFO (a big rousing WHATEVER to the new name) gives me a headache as it is, and now they are putting out ads like this? Ugh. After a day spent with grouchy, surly employees, theming in your face nonstop, confusing midways that are shoulder to shoulder, and other gems at that park, I come "home" to what we have and the superiority shines through. I guess we'll have to wait and see what the GP thinks of SFO with time, and yes, they do have some fun rides, but "definitely superior to CP" is going to be a hard theme to push on those in the know :-P
*-CP Irvine-* I know who's fault it is!
*The FewER, The Proud, The Po!nter Girls*
eggs and Natalie, what did they say on the radio commercial?

Formerly known as Shorti2443

hehe you know probably at some six flags forum (if that even exisits) they're probably saying the same thing about CP's service, which of course is all a bunch of bull! CP is the best!
'Gravity knows no force like Millennium Force.'
Interesting, interesting...  I guess I have to say that the advertising does show a lack of class for SFWoA, but I see what Mikey is saying.  I've gotta see and here both these ads...  oh and let's not use this thread as another "CP is way better than SFWoA" / SFWoA bashing thread either...  it can be closed oh so easily... 
-MH, back at last
I  don't think they have the right to say " the only park to surpass the Point" unless they're SFMM.

MF...taking thrills to new heights!

Rock & Roll Dave is dead-on with his analysis.  You don't see companies going directly at the competition by name unless they're being spanked. 

Keep in mind though, that while the enthusiasts are very aware of the superiority of Cedar Point, we aren't the target audience for this advertising campaign.  Instead, they're going after the GP (and from what I've gathered in this thread, doing it quite well). 

As often as not, bashing the competition directly (and by name) fails - mainly due to the fact that people have seen so much of it, and see it for what it is.

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