CP has 4 golden ticket awards. Six Flags Waste of an Afternoon ( Love that name Just Coasting) has how many?? None! Saying that you have a larger park with more for famlies to do is like winning a People's Choice Award. It doesn't mean diddly squat if you don't have the Oscar's to back it up like CP does with all of their golden tickets. .
BTW, never been to a park I would call a waste of an afternoon! ;)
*** This post was edited by Ride of Steel on 8/4/2001. ***
Case in "point": Ever seen the ads for the Kia automobile with the two neighbors comparing features? They try to say that this Kia is better than the Toyota Camry, because you get all the same features for $5000 less. Trouble is, will the Kia still be running 10 years later?
Usually when an advertising company specifially mentions its competition, that advertising company is getting its butts kicked by the mentioned competitor. I wouldn't worry too much about it, people are very much aware of what CP offers, and substance and quality of the experience will carry the day as far as the GP are concerned. Likewise, if the experience is poor, they will tell a host of other people, and will visit the park that they are happy with.
First we Rock - then we Roll!
Now if they could just get their schtick together in regards to employees (ah! oh my god! There were two male ride ops talking to eachother about buying breast implants for themselves on Big Dipper.. and there were kids in line and... ARGH) and get a few more decent restaurants... they'll have a really good park on their hands.
I'd still rather go to CP, though :)
mikey :)
*** This post was edited by Rimshot on 8/5/2001. ***
Formerly known as Shorti2443
MF...taking thrills to new heights!
Keep in mind though, that while the enthusiasts are very aware of the superiority of Cedar Point, we aren't the target audience for this advertising campaign. Instead, they're going after the GP (and from what I've gathered in this thread, doing it quite well).
As often as not, bashing the competition directly (and by name) fails - mainly due to the fact that people have seen so much of it, and see it for what it is.
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