
All of the people that have smaller CP sites here, what program did you use to make your site?

If you're looking for me, I'm on Mean Streak or at the Elephant Ear stand. Always.
Try using FrontPage 2000, it's what I use and it's really easy.

~Eric L.~
does anyone know of any that are reletively cheap?

If you're looking for me, I'm on Mean Streak or at the Elephant Ear stand. Always.
Good old notepad! My large(over 300 pages) CP site I use mostly notepad to code. The only downside is that you got to know how to code. And if you have the money... your best bet would be Dreamweaver. *** This post was edited by Andrew on 3/30/2001. ***
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
Frontpage2000 came with my office 2000.

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!! have the most control with it. Everything on Cedar Point-on-Lake Erie is made from NOTEPAD, Paint Shop Pro and Adobe. *** This post was edited by Cedar Point-on-Lake Erie on 3/30/2001. ***
For those that use Notepad: I have a really neat program called Editpad -- you can get it as a freeware download -- that is a souped up Notepad. It lets you have multiple windows open at once, has a nice toolbar, and is essentially a Notepad made for creating .html files.

Everything on Po!nt of View is original from Paint Shop Pro and Editpad. Once you learn the coding, it isn't hard! I rarely write a new page anymore, I just overwrite (with a new name) an earlier page that has a similar format to what I'm creating.

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
I need some pics and i was wonderning if anyone had some i cound download to a diskand then download to my site?

If you're looking for me, I'm on Mean Streak or at the Elephant Ear stand. Always.
Jeff's avatar
Even though many zealous "Web people" denounce FrontPage as a toy, I find it useful when working on the HTML tab. It never breaks anything for me (as earlier versions did) and ASP code is a different color.

Other than that, there's Photoshop, Illustrator, Live Motion, etc. on my hard drive.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 50
The Amazement Park was built with FrontPage, Macromedia Dreamweaver, and Fireworks for the grapics.

FrontPage is really easy. When I first started to use regular HTML by typing, it was really hard and took a lot of time. With FrontPage, even the dumbest site builder (like myself;)) can make professional looking websites.

~Eric L.~
when you do links on your site how do you make them clickable from your site, in the blue color?

Kevin's Cedar Po!nt Page
Go to a search engine and search keyword, "HTML Help" and read some of the stuff that comes up. It will help you.

~Eric L.~
Any one have good photos of CP i can use for my new site? i dont have many

Kevin's Cedar Po!nt Page
Gemini's avatar
When I did my first web page in 1993, it was all Notepad. Of course, there really wasn't much help back then. Now I use HomeSite, because the color coding is easier on the eyes. :) FrontPage 2000 and DreamWeaver are also good choices, but stay away from Adobe GoLive!

As for graphics, you can't go wrong with the Photoshop, Illustrator and Flash.


*** This post was edited by Gemini on 3/31/2001. ***
I highly recommend Flash 5.0 for all web development. Flash eliminates a lot of other web development programs. Flash can act as a WYSIWYG and graphic development program combined. Plus, if you master this relatively easy program to learn, you can make good money with it. Companies are currently spending tons of money redeveloping their sites in Flash.
Jeff's avatar
Yes and we're all waiting forever for them to download. Want to see the most excessive use of flash ever? Check out the domain name I sold for $100,000, and understand why I'm glad I held out for that much:

Flash has its uses, but search engines don't index it, dynamically generated Flash is expensive to develop and deploy and it's still bandwidth intensive if you intend to do anything cool with it.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 50

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