Single Riders......Had any STRANGE riding partners

Just thought it'd be fun to hear some of your stories. Anyway, here's mine.

It was on Magnum, I was forced to be a single rider because my cousin was going to sit with my brother. Anyway, I sat down and some big dude walked into the station and of all places to sit (it was a walk on ride with an empty train in the station) he sits next to me. If that wasn't stupid enough, about right at the top of the lift, this guy leans over and says, "Do you like cats?" I was like...uh..yeah sure. That's all he ever said to me, I just found that kind of weird.
this didnt happen at cp, but at sfo. i just think this is worthy to tell:

i was in a group of 5, and i was the only one who wanted to ride in the back(20minute wait on serial thriller). so i got in, and here comes some monster from rec.rollercoaster or whatever you guys call it. she had a moustache, some kinda 70's style pants, a fanny pack, and she smelled funny. atleast she didnt talk to me.
3 Force rides:
3-2, 5-1, 9-2
Usually I put on the show when I am a single rider and someone sits next to me. Just ask servo, luvraptor, dan, brian, brandon...

As far as a strange ride partner, almost. Waiting for Raptor some tatooed, freaky looking kid was behind me; he asked what is the best seat. I said back right. (And no lets not start a topic about the best seat on Raptor...already done that). He said "Oh yeah the front left is awesome" I turned around and was glad to see the line had moved forward. I was also glad he didn't ride with me.

Raptor Flights: 51
Force Rides: 20
Hooper, you do that even if no one sits next to you!! HEE HEE!!!

ride early, ride often!!!
At my second Coastermania in '97 I was riding raptor during the ERT session. I was with my brother, my cousin Casey (another odd one in his own right) and we were waitng for the back seat. We got in and this guy joined us, he had really long dread locks that went half way down his back, and he has about 20 peiricngs in his face. I've seen him at the park before but I never knew him. At the end of that year I finally met this person and it was none other than the imfamous Jim Raimar.

daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
On Power Tower my cousin Michelle and I were waiting and behind us there was this like 11 or 12 year old boy. He was so annoying, he kept asking us questions like, Where are you from, how old are you, are you two a couple. We just wouldn't stop. Then he wanted to ride with us. My cousin looked at me and I was like okay. I am so glad we were on Space Short because if we were on turbo drop he would have talked the whole way up

Millennium Force Rids:1
Magnum XL-200 Drop:3
Mine is on Magnum. These two couples were in front of us and the girls did not want to go on it but the guys made them but anyways at the top of the lift the girls said honey's you aint getting any for a week. My friend and I were cracking up!!
People, people! If you don't want anyone to sit next to you when your a single rider just do what I do; talk to yourself and/ or tell jokes to yourself. Telling jokes to yourself is particularly effective if you laugh at them.

"Magnum + Prozac= Millennium Force
Whos Jim Raimer???

To Dan Haverlock
Jeff's avatar
Jim is easy to spot because he has more body piercing than probably anyone I've ever met. There's a story about him here:

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 29
He was at TimberFest 2000 with me. I rode for 4 laps w/ a friend of his from England. Apparently, he's got 5 years in on his earlobe... adornments.
My story is from last year, when me and my friend Scott were at the park. We went to MS for our first ride of the day because of short lines and we like it. We got up into the station and were waiting for the 2nd car. This real nerdy guy (fat, think glasses, smelled very strange and all...very steriotipical) starts talking to us. He asked us what we knew about the ride, so not to be jerks we told him a little bit about it, and he was telling us stuff about Magnum and how it was sinking and everything, we tried not to laugh, we failed, so he is looking at us like we are nuts. When we reached the top of the hill, he tried to look confident (like he was trying to impress us or something) then the trims hit, he ducked down into his seat as much as possible, and started yelling "the ride is falling apart!! WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE!!!", and here me and Scott are cracking up because of this. After the ride, he turned around and was trying to act all cool, he even said he was'nt scared or anything. RRRRIIIGGHHT...not scared eh'? Some people are just very STRANGE.

"The shade, is a tool, A device, a saviour"
My own summer (shove it)-Deftones *** This post was edited by somewhatchewy on 6/19/2000. ***
One time, on WWL, we were given boat # 6, and the people in front of us # 5. They then told us that therre favorite number was number 6, and asked if we could trade boats. Well, because of this, we had to ride 'w' them, and on the way down the woman said "Is this a water ride?"
I am always the one who is "strange".
Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control! *** This post was edited by Magnum is sinking! on 6/20/2000. ***
i went on magnum solo a few weeks ago, and when i got in the second to last seat there was a farly large woman who came and sat next to me.normaly when someone comes and sits next to me it doesent bother me at all.but,this one did.on our way up the lift hill she was putting on lip stick,thats when i started to worrie.after the drop when we got into the prezel she started to cry and pray.after this incident i may think twice before going to the park olone again.
Look at it this way, Hothitz- you now can compile a list of "Most imbecilic people I've ridden with". That story has a lot of mileage in it...

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