SIM Theme Park

LuvRaptor's avatar
Ok everyone sooo sorry for putting this topic here but-since we all seem to have the love of coasters in common didnt think anyone would mind-
is there anyone out there who wants to buy this game from me? I got it for my 17 year old and she is NOT impressed with it-loves RCT and RCT CF-
so if anyone interested I have SIM Theme Park for cant return it where I got it from cause I ordered it online and threw out all the necessary paperwork to return it at that time. Please email me so we dont load up Jeffs site with this.
Sorry Jeff if this is a no no....
Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??
So when is Jeff going to take a hint about a classified section or auction forum for Coasterbuzz or CP Place. :)

Daniel J. Haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
Is it May yet?
I like the idea of a auction section at this site, but there is one problem that I have with it; it could cause hostility between all of us. We probably be better off keeping eBay as our battle ground for items.

"CP is very good value!" -- A RCT Guest at CP
Isn't that a dog of a program LUVRAPTOR. What ya think of that little guy that pops up all the time complaining of how bad you run your park. Oh wait I mean isn't that a great program :)

Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We all want to know how was your RIDE!!!!!
Closing Time: 5:30
CP Arrival Time: 5:50

*** This post was edited by Hooper on 2/21/00. *** *** This post was edited by Hooper on 2/21/00. ***
Hooper, well said LOL! :)
Thanks Petree4284 :)

Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We all want to know how was your RIDE!!!!!
Closing Time
Hey Vince, that is a good idea, but a classified section where people could sell their item at a set price would work, or WANTED section where people can post items that they are looking for would work.

Daniel J. Haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
Is it May yet?
Is it worth $2.00? That is what I paid for it the other week. :) Haven't played it yet, maybe I will just cut my losses and stick with RCT...
Jeff's avatar
If you've ever used eBay, you know about all of the tons of legal stuff involved... legal stuff I have no desire to get involved with. Unless I could create some kind of per-transaction charge, it wouldn't be worth the time to produce it.

And yes, this isn't the place to sell your stuff.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point *** This post was edited by Jeff on 2/21/00. ***

Closed topic.

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