Sick Feeling

I love coasters just as much as the next guy or girl, but for those of you that have ridden rides like WT, does it give you that sick feeling in your gut?
I think it depends what kind of tolerance a person has to traveling backwards. Some people have no problem. For others moving backwards can create havoc

I personally can stay on a coaster going forward pretty much forever. Backwards is another story. On S:UE the slowdown going backwards at the end kind of scrambles my brain and give's me that sickly feeling in my stomach. Nothing major, but that may be because I sort of built up a tolerance level to these contraptions. The effect gets less and less every time. I Used to have problems sitting backwards on the rapid transit too (train).

I've talked to others and they don't have this problem, so it won't happen to everyone. I would still assign one of my handymen to only one block outside the WT exit.

Is there any X-Cubes or Game Boxes?
MF-344 Magnum-510

Yeah, I get that feeling right after the drop on Power Tower, and I love it! Your body is responding to the extreme experience you're having. It usually happens when yoou experience some kind of sudden negative G's. Your body is moving down, and your organs haven't caught up with the rest of your body yet.
The only sick feeling I get if from coasters that go upside down..but its not a gut sick feeling..its a migraine type feeling.  I cant even stand on my head or hang upside down with out getting that feeling.  And coasters that do to much flipping do the same.  I do have low blood pressure..and before spring hits..Im thinking about going to the Dr to find out if that has anything to do with it. It really sucks for I love coasters so much..but have to deal with the migraine i get afterwards.  Anyone else have this problem?
The more you ride it, the more you want it!


I don't really like going backwards on coasters, but I have been on a coaster similar to WT and it was a blast. I'm sure this is different for everyone, but I think most people will like it and not feel sick. The best part is when you go straight down head first!
is the feeling something similar to the big boat ride(ocean motion)?  that ride gets my gut worse than any roller coaster does.
Yeah, it's that type of feeling. I used to get that feeling a lot on Ocean Motion type rides, but I don't get the feeling on pirate ships anymore.
Ask me after a load of fries,a Midway Market break,some nachos,2 elephant ears,some popcorn and a pretzel.Me and my friend Ralph can't wait to find out.
yeahman - Nice to hear I'm not the only one that gets queazy on those type of rides :)

I personally shy away from flat rides, and go straight for the coasters. Raptor was a riot, although it did make me a bit sick. I imagine WT will get me a bit sick on my first ride...

Tommy Penner - -
"How YOU Doin'?" ;)

I truly think no coaster can make me sick.
Raptor didn't make me queazy the first time around, but I also shy away from flat rides such as Witches Wheel and other flat rides of that nature.

CP_Freak said:
I truly think no coaster can make me sick.

I was the same way, until Millennium Mania.  Raptor got me after quite a few re-rides.  I was ready to keep going, but someone felt it would be better if I sat a few out... :)

Mr. Skyward is my hero.
"Why don't you change your name to Mike?" "No way, why should I change my name, he's the one who sucks."

I get sick on twirling flat rides, and coasters with too many inversions are at the limit of tolerance.  I also don't like Invertigo (big boomerang) and other backwards coasters.  However, I rode V2 and had no ill effects at all.  So I am optimistic about WT.

-- Harley

CP fan since 68.

I've gone power riding on Magnum, Raptor, and Mantis, and I never get sick. Heck, one time I even went on Magnum feeling a bit quesy from eating too much pizza, and I got off feeling much better...maybe it was the adrenaline.
I can never recall an incident when I have ever gotten sick after a ride. Even after riding the raptor after two cheese on a sticks, pizza, and a pop. However, when you wait in that Raptor line for 2 hours in the direct sunlight it does get to you. That is why I try to ride it first. You start to get dizzy and really sweaty. I personally think that it's one tough line to wait in with that sun hitting you directly. That one and Mantis. Millenium is ok because at least they have those cooling fans. I hope everyone at least can agree with me about the raptor and mantis lines because they are not fun if they get to long on hot days.

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