Should CP open earlier

I was just looking at opening dates for other parks around adn country and I see that PKI opens on April 5! but then again SFWoA opens the 4th of May, so what do you guys think, should they open (even) a week earlier, if not 2 or 3? Cause I know I don't mind the weather, but does the GP? Probably not, for the greatest park in the world!

what you guys think??

I think opening day is good as it is.  It allows maintenance to do their off-season work with plenty of time.  I think the first weekend in May is alright, becasue you never know when winter will take it's last shot.  As fun as it is, (and I don't mind riding MF in the freezing air) I don't think Cedar Point want to give people an opportune chance to develop pneumonia at the end of the cold and flu season....
- Chris -
Computer Science - Ashland University
Witches' Wheel/Monster - 2002
3rd Shift Trash Removal - 2001
Flisk is right. if they develope pnuemonia, they might not be able to come at all.
Yes, the GP minds the weather, thus is the reason why May and early June are low attendance months.  People take vacations during the summer breaks because the weather is nice.  The GP also doesn't have season passes, so when they're going to spend money, do you think they're going to spend it when its 50 degrees out with a 20mph 35 degree wind off the lake, or when its 80 degrees out and a 10mph 60 degree wind off the lake?
Michael McCormack CP '01: 38
Millennium Force: 49
Raptor: 58
Magnum: 124
Lifetime CP Count: 410 (374 total laps in '01)
part of the reason CP is as good as it is is because some things like that they don;t follow the competition with stuff like that.
BTW I am aware of the whole Wicked Twister/Superman: ultimate escape thing so don't bother pointing that out
Keep in mind, also, that PKI is in southern Ohio, and weather there isn't as affected by Lake Erie like SFWoA and CP are.
Jeff's avatar
Not only does the lake stay cold (and the park is surrounded by water), but spring generally has more rain than fall, so it makes sense to extend the season into fall, but not necessarily in the spring.

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

I guess that CP has good reasons for their opening date, but at as an addicted fan, I wish they could open it in March. lol. Yet again, i think that CP is the best in the summer. I am jsut getting realy edgy lately.  I was fine all winter, and hten last night I just had to go and get my self addicted again by watching POV's. lol. Come on summer....come just a little bit faster.
Cedar Point is the best. I will never stop loving it. You gotta, You wanna, You have to hold on...Cedar point hold on!! :) :) :)
Why do people associate diseases such as pnemonia and 'the common cold' with low temperatures? Do y'all realize that it is viral and bacterial infections that cause these NOT temperature?

maybe our resident biologist can speak on this...jcsn

As much as I would love to be at Cedar Point right now working. It would just be impossible, did anyone ever notice the amount of college kids it takes to run the place and yes i know they pull it off in october with halloweekends, but its hard for us students who work those weekends to get up for class after a weekend at CP. So my answer is no, Cedar Point should not be open any earlier than it is! Why can't we just leave decisions to the higer ups?
Magnum 2001
ATL Magnum 2002
I know that pneumonia is not realted to the cold or flu, and it is viral and bacterial.    However, being in cold air, can reduce the bodies immune system and make your body suseptable enough to catch pneumonia.  I learned that the hardway.  Only I developed bronchitis that way one march a few years back when I was unawaringly exposed to it.
- Chris -
Computer Science - Ashland University
Witches' Wheel/Monster - 2002
3rd Shift Trash Removal - 2001
I'd leave opening day where it is.   If it end's up being a warm spring I'll be wishing it opens earlier.  This is the same issue we have with closing day. The staffing is the biggest problem.  It's rough getting enough people to work in crappy weather.   Spring or Fall. 

Then again I would ride in rain, sleet, or snow.  If they were open I would be there.


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