Serious TTD question?

I asked this before and I was blown off.


Now I want to now If anybody has heard about somebody being struck by a seagull and was seriously injured on TTD. I know the radio host said the park was trying to be hush, hush about the incident, but with my thread here being closed and my thread at GTTP being complety deleted I'm starting to believe there is some truth to this news.

Riiiight..The engine problems are all a BIG cover-up for the real problem: stupid Lake Erie seagulls in the way of TTD trains while traveling up and down the tower!!


TTD: 2
*** This post was edited by Evan Johnson 7/2/2003 12:30:02 AM ***

Okay, at first I heard bolts and screws were loosened causing sections of track to fall off, and when the train jumped the track, someone got hurt... this of course is not true.

I think that CP would completely close and tear down TTD if someone was seriously injured. Have you heard of everything that they are doing that contrubutes to the maintainance? Adding cars to the trains, putting in new hydraulics, repairing rough spots...these things take time.

I dont believe anyone was ever injured on Top Thrill Dragster.

i forsee that this post will soon be deleted, because its stupid heresay

TTD=7(frontseat=2)absoulutely amazingWT=38MIlle=67
MagnumDan siteings this year=8

I agree with MeanStreaker, just another stupid CP rumor.

TTD: 2

OOOH! MeanStreaker is psycic!

I also agree with you though...not just the thread being undoubtedly being deleted, but that it is a rumor...
*** This post was edited by Playa21 7/2/2003 12:32:34 AM ***

I heard it was Fabio's cousin that took a seagull to the nose...

'Welcome to Alaska!'

"Alaska?? Nobody said we were going to Alaska!!"

I've also heard that SEVERAL people have been killed on the ride!
Its a CP rumor... these go around all the time. Nobody has died on the ride, the press most likely would have covered it!
I was just kidding.; )
You're an idiot.

Wanna Get High? Ride Top Thrill Dragster!
RIP Top Thrill Dragster Themeing, who lies here in pieces on June 26, 2003.

Which one?

TTD: 2

CNN Headlines News rocks my socks!!
It's official, I'm a news nerd.

yeah which one, hey evan , it looks like ive found a thread where playa21 didnt say anything about his brothers broken leg.... SCORE

TTD=7(frontseat=2)absoulutely amazingWT=38MIlle=67
MagnumDan siteings this year=8

haha, nice one

TTD: 2

CNN Headlines News rocks my socks!!
It's official, I'm a news nerd.

Heh, maybe you did...but it don't matter, he's in the hospital right now..he should be home this afternoon or tomorrow...
Stephen Davis is the one I'm talking about.

Wanna Get High? Ride Top Thrill Dragster!
RIP Top Thrill Dragster Themeing, who lies here in pieces on June 26, 2003.

Gemini's avatar
When you start two threads about a subject ... and one of those is closed, while the other is deleted ... that probably means it is a bad idea to start it a third time.

There is no cover-up and no hidden truth. All you conspiracy theorists can go back to working on who really killed O.J.'s wife and proving that NASA didn't really land on the moon.

"I heard it on the radio, it must be true!"

And before you start another thread about 'believable' rumors ... no, Magnum is not sinking.

Walt Schmidt - Virtual Midway
"Are you the creator of Hi and Lois because you are making me laugh." - Comic Book Guy

Closed topic.

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