Season Pass Redemption

Gemini's avatar
I remember this being asked, but I don't remember it being answered. Apologies if this is old news.

From the park's web site: "Your season pass certificate may be redeemed for a photo I.D. at the park's Season Pass Center (located at the main gate) beginning Thursday, April 25, 2002. The Season Pass Center will be open daily 11 a.m.-7 p.m."

Virtual Midway

Thanks for posting that! I was wondering when they were going to start redeeming, so now I know for sure. I'm going on the first day they start it! :) :)


well thats good news,I thought I was going to have to wait extra long on the day I go(when the park is open),If its true it starts April 25,I will be there probably that day.I still have to get my pass from Triple A.........They are sold out now....but they will have some in soon.:)

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I sent mine in the mail and got them both back promptly with no problems.

The one year we went down early to get our passes, we waited for 30 minutes. Not bad, mind you. Last year, we knew we wouldn't get to the point before June, so we redeemed our passes on that trip. It was an over-nighter, so we went in the late afternoon and had no line at all.

This year, we took advantage of the mail redemption. Of course, we had to use the pics from last year, but very convenient.

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I agree, if you had a pass last year, the by-mail redemption is incredibly convenient. I may not get to Cedar Point this year until CoasterMania, so having the pass processed already is a REALLY nice thing.

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Gemini's avatar
The tradition of going to the season pass center in late April to get the picture taken is enough for me not to do it through the mail. Granted, I'm only 10 minutes away, so it is still convenient.

Virtual Midway

For extra hours, I worked in the Season Pass office during the early part of last season (when it was EXTREMELY busy in there!!!) It was so incredibly awesome to see the hardcore Point fans come in for pictures, dressed head-to-toe in their Cedar Point "regalia." They were so excited to be there, even when the park wasn't even open yet, cheering and everything! If one of these persons was you, I want to thank you for bringing an extra smile to my day... You're the people I LOVE working for.


You do not have to send in your old season pass to get the new one mailed to you. we like ours for scrapbook reasons so we told CP we were unable to send in last years passes. we were still in the computer so they sent us passes with last years pictures.
LuvRaptor's avatar
I dont think it said anywhere you had to send it your old passes to get your new ones. All you had to send was the redemption certificates and the other form. I did cross reference my daughter and mine's season pass #s on the forms when I sent them in. I wear my 2000 & 2001 season passes (and my '00 employee ID) with my work ID every day!
I sent in our certificates certified mail, funny thing was we got our '02 passes back in 5 days-the signed mail receipt? 7 days. :)
We will still be making that preseason haul for the parking pass sticker. It's one of those Mom/daughter bonding things we have to do!

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