Iam pretty bummed out about the park hours this year.I usually hit the point the first week its open till ten on weekdays.This year thats not untill june 11.When do the area schools get out for the summer?Is the week of 6-11thru6-15 a good bet on better line times?
Gemini's avatar
Area schools have no effect on Cedar Point attendance. Week to week attendance doesn't suddenly spike from late May to early June. It's a more gradual increase. Generally speaking, things don't start to heat up until later in June.

You're probably worse off going in late May because every northern Ohio graduating class comes to CP for a visit! I've always found that the first two weekends in June are not very busy because so many people have graduation parties.

CP Schroeder
CP Resorts Reservations '00, '01
I've always like mid-week, the third or fourth week in June. All the stores are stocked (found that out as an employee - they aren't stocked fully until then), the weather is getting nicer, the lines are short, and the sky's the limit! Or at least the first 311' of it...

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
We get out for Coastermania. (June 1)
my school lets out the last week of may finals are tues, wed, and thur the last day is thur may 31st. I go to school at River Valley High School in Marion, Ohio about an hour from the point. My school has been nicked named the cancer school because we have a high rate of cancer from past students.
My kids are in Oregon schools and as far as I know..they get out June 6th..but there were so many snow days and yes FOG days..that the day may have changed..Ill have to check on it, I think they went over the allowed snow days for the year.
Ride of Steel's avatar
The cancer school, that's, um, nice, cpfreak. I'm really glad you shared that tidbit of information...hmmmm.

Makes me feel a little bit better about my old high school being known as the rich snobby school anyway...

Mine Ride '99 (RIDE MINE!)
Thunder Canyon '00 (TC2K RULES, SNAKE DROOLS!)
Wildcat ATL '01
I get out of school (Lake) the 6th too i think, so ill be heading to coastermania at around 2:30. Hopefully ill get there about 3:30. Hope to see you all there.
You won't just skip, what a dedicated student :). I skipped physics of all classes to ride MF for the first time. My Physics teacher was cool about it because I said I had to test it before physics day.

College is sweet because you get out so early. I'm trying to make it to the point almost every other day in mid May.

No lol, my parents just make me be a "good student" , if you know what i mean. Trust me , if i was aloud i would skip a few times.

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