School closings

This may have been asked before, but here goes - when do classes for the grade/high schools in the CP area (NW Ohio, SE Michigan) end for the year? Where I live - Toronto - it's not 'till mid-June, but it seems to me from my visits to the Point it must be earlier in that area. (I'm trying to plan this year's trip so we get there before the schools let out.)

Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill.
My school gets out on June 2nd.

The Samurai has spoken.
all the metro detroit schools get out mid june
LuvRaptor's avatar

Central Ohio (Columbus area) I do believe is 1st week in June unless they keep getting snow days and Lord knows I have seen enough of them already this year!!
Is it Spring yet?
I would be happy if it was mid March!
Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??
Most all Mid-Michigan schools get out either 8th or 15th of June.

Jeff Tobe
(New site coming soon!)
School In the Detroit Distric end June 25

...We hope you have a great day here at Cedar Point America's Rockin' Roller Coast
Another reason to like spring/summer :)

Greensburg PA
Hometown parks: Kennywood, Cedar Point!
96 days until the real "Millennium
Well my school's last day is June 1st. It lets out just in time for coastermania. I know that I'm coming on this day, but I don't know at what time. If I go with my school, I will arrive at around 9:00, but if I go with my family -PLEASE LET THEM TAKE ME!- I will arrive in time for the ERT on MF.
Thanks, guys. This is actually very helpful information.

Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill.
Sandusky local schools and Perkins local schools close the first week of June, and they have each had only 1 snow day, so none will have to be made up.
The schools in my area all close on June 12th.
most schools plan the end of the year field trips in the first weeks of still alot there.....but still the best time cuz they have to leave early to get home...if i didnt work there i would definetly plan to go in may. you might have to put up with colder weather but its worth it
Schools here in Toledo get out June 6th or so providing they havent used up all there snow days!
We seem to be approaching that though! I vote for school all year long! LOL

The more you ride it, the more you want it!


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