I work at the Tops store in Sandusky and we have them in and ready to sell for $50.00 4020 Milan Rd Sandusky, OH 44870 419-625-0433
Sweet, I am gonna pick mine up there instead. Do they have a limited amount ?
*** This post was edited by crashoverride on 8/1/2001. ***
Thats dirt cheap! I'm buying one there! ----------------- CP Top 3: 1) Mean Streak 2) Magnum 3) Gemini "All I see is wood."
The deal is its $50 for the rest of the season. Honestly thats not a bad deal at all and a great way to boost lagging attendance numbers!
As long as they all ride Millie and not Maggie!
----------------- daniel j. haverlock '01 magnum: 519 "You wouldn't beleive me if I told you!"
Dan I am headed straight for Magnum with my friend. Last time I had to ride it by myself cause my other friend is a damn Magnum hater ! Last time I go with him to the Point! j/k