Sandusky Register on "fast pass" and rumors

Hop on over to the Sandusky Register:$rec=38467?frontpage

There is an article that starts off with CP entertaining the idea of a fast-pass system (but not this year.) Also, towards the end of the article, there is discussion with Janice Lifke Witherow and Robin Innes about rumors like removal/relocation of DT and the possibility of reincarnating the Cyclone.

Pittsburgh, PA
MF Count: 00 :(
It's hard for me to comment on the fast pass without actually trying it. But I trust CP's judgement.
Interesting rumors though. A Cyclone coaster would fit in nicely with the "BoardWalk Idea". As long as people don't get hurt like on the originals. Lol!

If they were going to relocate DT maybe they should make it outdoors again. Hopefully layed out better than Avalanche Run was. Maybe they could add more half-pipe and make it a lot bigger.

If CP wants an enclosed coaster I would hope for something more along the lines of Space Mountain with cool special effects. But alot bigger of course.
Bigger is CP!
"Sir, Shouldn't You Buckle Up First?"
"Aaahhh BUCKLE THIS! LUDICROUS SPEED, GO!!!!!"-Spaceballs
Well I just got back from disney and as much as I tried to like the fast pass system I hated it even more. You could only get 1 fast pass per ride per day. The people with fast passes get priority, so after you ride it once you either have to borrow a person who isn't going to ride the rides ticket or you are stuck in a really, really long ride. I really think that if Cedar Point used a fast pass system they would be making a big mistake.

"Any day, is a great day, to ride a rollercoaster!"
The Blade also has an article confirming they are investigating possible pass systems to "shorten" the lines.

Frankly its not really shortening the lines to shift to a pass system. Making the lines shorter would be processing people faster, or spreading them out. This does not end demand for the rides, just spreads demand out over the rides. Still, there are enough rides to keep people busy at CP, and knowing you will get to ride them all, beats gambling on which to take. If I as a season pass holder could go, knowing I'd get in on a few of the choice rides, and could relax more and enjoy the park, I'd do it. I don't seem them making the pass system standard for all rides, but it would help matters for many of them. I for one could deal with it.

Nathan W.L. Boyle
How many here would pay double admission for a guarantee of no line longer than 20 minutes?

But only once or twice!!!!!!!
"I get down he lifts me up"
-Audio A
I was at Disney in May. Fastpass is given out one per person per ride. If it says "ride between 10:00 and 12:00 you can only ride once during that period. After 12:00, you can get another one for later in the day, provided they don't run out. If they run out of passes for that day, you wait in the regular line. I did Rock and Rollercoaster three times in three hours using Fastpass. It works well provided they don't run out. You can get more than one for the same ride per day. I can't understand how people can be ragging on this system. Gee, I might be able to go on something three times and wait 10 minutes each time and then do other stuff, or do the same thing 6 times in one day and not do anything else. Do the math.
And Chris- if they were out of Fatpasses and you couldn't get another and you had to wait in the long regular line, at least you got on once with very little wait. Again, I can't see how people complain about getting on something with a short wait. It would work for MF, Magnum, Raptor, and all the "big ones".
REALLY? I sure hope they bring back the Cyclone!
Now that would be something.....don't you think it's about time they tear down Wildcat and put in something else there????-anyone?

Live for FUN!

In the footprint that Wildcat takes up? About the only thing that would fit is a mouse. I can see moving it for something else, but I don't see tearing it down. I mean, you could fit it in on Gemini's lawn, almost!

Better yet! Put it inside Mean Streak!
*** This post was edited by Bill on 5/27/2000. ***
Hey Bill, I would definitely pay double for a guarantee of 20 minute wait or less.

My Dad had this (far-fetched) idea that why doesn't CP sell only a certain number of tickets for the park per day. Like through ticketmaster or something like that so that they would only have a certain number of people in the park per day. I know this sounds kind of ridiculous.

Would CP lose money if they doubled their price but cut their attendance? I don't really think it would ever happen but from a customer point of view its a good idea. They would probably be sold out every day though. Just like the Jake. Then we would start seeing scalpers out by the Causeway. Lol!
They would probably have to raise the price of food too. In order to compensate for lost revenue.

"Sir, Shouldn't You Buckle Up First?"
"Aaahhh BUCKLE THIS! LUDICROUS SPEED, GO!!!!!"-Spaceballs
I don't know. They got all there info from thrill ride (about the pass and cyclone). If You shoot over to and read the whole rumor you will probably wonder why this was even reported on.

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control! *** This post was edited by Magnum is sinking! on 5/28/2000. ***
Jeff's avatar
People don't understand that Thrillride's rumor section should be entertaining the way that the Enquirer or the Globe is.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 23
I like the Fast Pass system the more I think about it. I wish then it were possible to get a booklet that would let you ride all the rides, one right after the other. In any case, being able to goof off around the park, and ride time-on-target rather than waste hours in line is a big plus, that makes the park more appealing to me. I suspect that would be true for a lot of people.


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