Sandusky Register: Gay Employees at Cedar Point

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Whew! Kind of a touchy subject for our little Sandusky Register! And let me say that I agree whole-heartedly. Many employees are gay, but they are not treated any differently and are completely accepted (there are a few exceptions of course, but we don't live in a perfect world!) But at least the ones I work with are great people and that's all that matters. I just don't think it would be Cedar Point without all the great gay employees!

Wow! I'm glad to here CP is such a progressive place to work, although I guess I'm not surprised. My respect for the park has just grown even more, and I did not think that was possible, given how highly I thought of it already.
Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill.
I do not believe that gays should be persecuted or treated badly. At the same time I cannot accept their lifestyle or actions. They say we should be tolerant, of their perverted sexual escapades, but I never see the vast majority of them being tolerant of the Christian lifestyle.

If anyone even attempts to disagree with the gay lifestyle they are labeled as bigots or homophobes. But just let some non-Christian speak out in hatred against Christians and they are labeled as champions of justice and are even regaled as heroes.

There is but 1 God to whom every knee will bow and every tongue will confess as Lord and that's Jesus Christ.

You can fool others, but nothing you do is hidden from God.
JESUS rules :) :)
That's a good thing to hear. I have many gay friends, and they CAN NOT help it. It's biological, and it disgusts me, that in this day and age, with all the scientific evidence backing it up, that there are people that still believe it's a choice, and people that still discriminate. Kudos CP!
Everyone has an opinion. Especially on the "I can't help it issue".

New evidence debunks the gene theory. Anyway I don't hate them and neither does God. There is hatred on both sides of the camp, but I'm not one of them. I just don't believe that I should be made to accept what they do or how they live.

And I don't want my kids being taught that the gay lifestyle is normal and acceptable. They, the gays certainly have the choice of not accepting my lifestyle either and should not label me as a bigot either.

You can fool others, but nothing you do is hidden from God.
JESUS rules :) :)
Truth or Fiction? My friend that I go to CP with all of the time told me that his boss at work, which happens to be gay, told him that CP hosts a "gay day" every father's day. He also said that CP is the promoter of this and that it is not something that the gay community organizes. He also said that CP promotes this in a private, not public way to offset any type of negative feedback from it's guests and local media. I do not know if this is true, and never bothered to persue the truth feeling that it does not concern me. Can anyone shed some light on the subject?

"Magnum + Prozac= Millennium Force
God doesn't change much, as a general rule (Hebrews 13:8). In any case, to see what He thinks of homosexuality, read Romans 1, in particular verses 25 to the end, in very particular 26-27. There is very little room to mistranslate this passage; it's pretty clear cut.

Even so, you won't find me disrespecting a gay person solely because he's gay. "Accept" and "respect" are two different things. God hates their sin but loves them regardless, and I give that same love as He commands. A big middle finger up to all those who think that beatings and other hate crimes are cool (especially those who do it in the name of the God of love).

Anyway, maybe this discussion is better suited for a different forum.
I don't have a problem with being around gay folks at all nor do I have a problem (or care about)what goes on behind someone else's closed door). I get perturbed when I get "hit on" by a gay dude, I let it be known that I'm not interested, and the individual does not know when to stop. This happened at an ACE event in Kennywood 2 years ago. It got annoying after awhile. I don't have a problem with any person- employee or otherwise-who treats me with respect. I'll do the same. I enjoy several things that are considered "wrong" by some folks-no one will ever agree completely with what someone chooses to do. Imposing your "morality" on someone else with threats of eternal damnation is also wrong. Didn't Jimmy Swaggert do that and then he got busted with a hooker?
LuvRaptor's avatar

I think CP should be proud! I love all the ride ops there regardless of their sexual preferences!
I have never seen so many judgemental people here!
I'm going to be working there in 4 weeks and that story had no bearing on my decision to do such. Do you think their personal CHOICE effects their qualifications to be a CP employee? If so then you are a sad case, and when is the last time you were out in PUBLIC and saw that there are MANY MANY gays out there working!?! If you are so against this "rumor" then dont go to CP anymore-that means one less person on line for me.
I have to agree with StephenC-this discussion is better suited for a different forum! Or better yet Jeff-close it before it really gets ugly!
(or is it too late for that?)

Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??
I have to agree wholeheartedly here with Jo. And I really don't think that this is an environment where this should be debated. She's right, it could get ugly.

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Jeff's avatar
I'll be frank about it, if you don't like gay people or find that homosexuality is immoral, don't post here. Scooter, I don't want you here. This isn't the place for religious bigotry and your moral high ground.

You can disagree all you want, but don't do it here. Your comparison is complete and utter nonsense, because there is no organized gay group invalidating the so-called "Christian" lifestyle.

I was a resident assistant in my dorm in college at Ashland University in the early Nineties. There I had a guy on my floor who was openly gay. Unfortunately our floormates were bigoted rednecks so insecure in their own sexuality that they had to vandalize his room and belittle him in the shower, all in the name of what is "right."

As long as any group of people continues to claim superiority over another, there will be hate.

This is hate speech, and I won't have it on my site. It violates my terms of service as well as that of your own ISP. If you post it again or start another thread, I will ban your e-mail address and notify your ISP. Go talk to someone who cares, but keep that crap off of my board; This is a site about an amusement park, not religion.

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