
I was doing research on the safety of Roller Coasters for a Science class and I think you would all find this interesting. You are safer to ride a roller coaster then to walk across the street!!! or play sports! The percentage of people injured by roller coasters is .00259%!!! This regulating stuff is ridiculous. Look at the facts.

Something to add to that: a ride at Cedar Point goes through more extensive testing than an air plane.

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
I heard the chance of getting killed on a ride is like 1 in every 300 million rides. And like 90% of the riders that get killed are caused by rider error.
Also you are more likly to win the lotery twice than get injured on a carnival ride, and carnival rides don't even requre inspection!

I will leave for the point 7:30:00AM June 20, 2000
Someone send this to the government!
Nash, where did you get that (false) factoid about carnival rides?

In Ohio, at least, all rides MUST be inspected regularly as a condition of operation. This includes fixed rides, portable rides, flat rides, kiddie rides, and roller coasters. All rides are inspected annually by the State, and before each operating day by the ride owner.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

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