Quote from Safe Parks:

"Webmaster's note: Accidents resulting in death or immediate hospital admission are considered public information by the Ohio Dept. of Agriculture (614-728-6280). Most broken bones, concussions, sutured cuts, etc., would not meet this standard, but in this industry consumers should be grateful for any public data. I have heard consistently excellent reports regarding safety at Cedar Point and all the Cedar Fair parks."
Shows how much Cedar Point/Cedar Fair put into their safety! The last big accident at CP was the Corcksrew's chain breaking right? Has anything else happened during the history of CP?
that accident on dt
the fome planets fell on a bunch of people 1990
geminicount:97 *** This post was edited by crashoverride on 7/24/2001. ***
That accident on the now-nonexistant stagecoach ride. The stagecoach broke or something, causing several deaths.

A bad day at CP is better than a good day at work.
Several deaths? I don't recall ANY deaths. Correct me if I'm wrong- cite your source!

Tim Howe--Lansing, Michigan
CP every year, 1974-2001.
I may just have to check "Cedar Point: Queen of American Watering Places"...
My source is my aunt who was working there at the time. It's possible that her memory wasn't correct though. If the deaths happened, it was the same year that they removed the ride from the park...

If you’re standing on the yellow line, you are VIOLATING Ohio Revised Code 1711.551… -Gemini Crew
I do know that a worker was crushed to death by the space spiral many years ago. This was when it went all the way down and before they had the bell ring. *** This post was edited by evanjm5 on 7/25/2001. ***

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