Yes, I've deleted every thread about the latest rumor on Thrillride. Why? Most of them are so absurd that they're not even worth discussing. It makes for a boring read when someone thinks that a stand-up LIM-launched looping woodie that goes underwater is the next big thing.
If you must talk about rumors, please use some discretion and common sense. If it sounds too crazy to be real, it is.
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 35
why are people so upset with rumors????? That's all they are...RUMORS!!! I find it fun to speculate and wonder what contraptions CP could come up with in the future.
I'm sorry so many people disagree with me...
Oh, and another thing....
(there, I said it!)
I agree, Jeff, and thank you. Some speculation is fun, everyone trying to figure out what will be next and what you would like to see. But some ideas really do get absurd, and then when someone else points out how that particular type couldn't possibly work, the person that suggested it gets bent out of shape. This is a great discussion board, but I prefer real discussion to wild fantasy!
Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew
Here is a suggestion....don't discuss it or read it then if you don't like the thread. What's a matter with people thinking up some crazy ideas about rides. What's boring about it...I like seeing what crazy ideas people can come up with. Yeah it would never happen but it's still fun to see what you can come up.
come on now without rumors there wouldn't be much to talk about in the amusment park industry. To me its all part of the fun. I never read a rumor thinking that its true, but rather think of what it would be like if it actually did happen, its, often worth a laugh. This is not national security we're dealing with here, its coasters, so I don't see how posting a rumor is a bad thing. I'm sure that there are plenty of threads on here that a lot of people could care less about, but that doesn't mean they should never be posted. So why not let the people who enjoy reading and posting thoughts on rumors have their fun. Afterall, isn't that what this site is about??
There is a difference between someone's idea of "what would be cool" and a rumor like "CP WILL be getting a standing inverted woodie, I know because I saw it at another site."
If there was a thread titled "Crazy coaster concepts" that would be fine. I agree with Jeff's decision to squash the lame rumors that have no possibility of comming true. Lots of folks come to this site are looking for information and facts, not bogus rantings.
Save the wild rumors for the Lemon Chill Guy, I'm sure he will get a kick out of them.
Only 2290½ miles from Cedar Po!nt
*** This post was edited by Soggy on 7/30/2000. ***
The only thing that really bothers me is when people seriously start to think a certain rumour is actually a fact. I've done that before, learned a lesson, and now I don't even believe any rumours, really.
I think a lot of people start these wild rumours just in case something remotely like that ever happens. Then they'll be able to proclaim, "I told you about... a long time ago!"
And lastly, I think a lot of the rumours that circulate (some of the somewhat possible ones) will come true one day. A Stand-Up Inverted coaster has been thought of, and if it's been thought of, it may very well happen one day. (Note: I sure hope it doesn't happen... blech.)
Jeff, would it be possible to start a Rumor board? Maybe you could put a disclaimer stating "The day a wooden, stand-up, LIM launched coaster that goes in to Lake Erie, I will become a season pass holder at SFO."
We all know how much you like good old Geauga too! hehe. But seriously, a rumor board would be pretty good.
Visit my RCT CP site.
hey heres an ideal, open the rumor section. Or would that be to difficult to keep up with
Millennium Force Rides:2
Magnum XL-200 Drop:3
Ok, maybe Jeff doesn't like the rumors becuase he actually knows what is next. If you know what is coming is not as exciting to read or hear about what it may be. Just my 2 cents.
A rumors section existed around this time last year, but due to the very nature of the rantings we are speaking of, it was removed.
In my opinion, users of this board should refrain from reiterating unsubstantiated rumors. They don't add to my reading enjoyment. I'm sure all of you have been visiting CP long enough and/or have read enough regarding its business practices to have a good grasp of what rumors may have some actual truth.
-Dave Kochman
I have no interest in propagating rumors. If that's your thing, there are plenty of other sites to visit for that.
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 35
99% of the people visiting this site know which rumors are totally absurd and which have an ounce of logic (which are not many). I like reading the rumors because it gives me a big laugh. In fact, I just posted a thread regarding thrillride's latest rumor for CP involving a stand-up woodie. I know it was bogus, but I just wanted people to read it for a huge laugh. But the thread was deleted.
Jeff, you are right. It's not worth discussing the logic of the rumor. That wasn't my intent. I just wanted everyone to put a laugh in their stressful day. Now, if someone posts a thread on this stand-up woodie believing it is true, then that is another story and it should be deleted.
*** This post was edited by net on 7/31/2000. ***
AMEN Jeff..only those who need to know...know!!
mf laps = 36